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11/29/06 8:25 PM

#7345 RE: gopackersgo #7342

Bubs, you've already broken every IHUB T.O.S. rule there is and all your posts were forwardeed to Matt. Sleep well and I look forward to your little investigation. You prepared to pay enormous legal fees bubs ? You better be !!
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11/29/06 9:11 PM

#7388 RE: gopackersgo #7342

gopackersgo and all,

I went to eat and was not even looking at the board for quite a while. I already posted and ask everyone to get back on topic and focus on the stock. It takes two or more to get into a disagreement. I would say there are more at fault here than just one.

Lets be adults and stop this now. No need for this at all. Points have all been made and if you need to do talking take it private. There are many here that do not need this rehashed this over and over again.

There have been TOU violations by quite a few. Now if you would like I can get Matt involved and then we can ban quite a few at his discretion.

I hope I have made myself clear. This behavior by many here tonight and today has been juvenile.

What IHDR did was chose to sell based on information provided to him by someone outside the company. He did not wait to verify the facts by speaking to Sam until after he sold. His choice. I would not have posted incomplete information like IHDR did without talking to Sam and verifying it.

What I am sure has some here steamed is that fact that IHDR has only been a shareholder a short time and many here have been doing DD for years. Most know much more about the company and have not posted something without verifying it over and over with many sources.

IMHO IHDR made a mistake by not following thru before he posted what he did on his board. Having said that we cannot pour water back into the jug and thus its out of the bag so to speak.

Either we move forward or we have a board that becomes less than it was even 12 hours ago. Lets try to act like adults and show some respect to each other, ourselves and the mods.

Thank you
