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Big Cut

10/09/19 9:40 AM

#113690 RE: Fred Kadiddlehopper #113687

I hope you are not falling for that hoax! Climate change has always been and will always be! So will HEMP inc. Hemp is/will Save the Planet! Some idiot said we have to eat our babies to save the planet... Goggle it! I would much rather rely on HEMP, babies everywhere should be thanking Bruce P.


10/09/19 10:51 AM

#113695 RE: Fred Kadiddlehopper #113687

One can pretend that HEMP has "nothing to do with hemp".... look how that turned out.


10/09/19 12:40 PM

#113703 RE: Fred Kadiddlehopper #113687

"RS always happens by necessity when the ratio of AS/OS approaches 1.

I 'always' (usually) perk up and take notice any time someone uses the word 'always'. Since your quote might lead readers to conclude that this means that Hemp, Inc. is headed for a reverse split, I did a little number checking.

The most recent quarterly report (revised version submitted Oct. 3, 2019) shows 'Total shares outstanding 4,855,122,995. With 'Authorized shares at over 10 billion, that leaves a ratio of less than 0.5.

Even if you use the number from the report Bruce filed on Aug. 19th, you have total outstanding shares shown as 5,030,169,697 which still leaves you with a ratio under 0.5.

So, Bruce would have to sell as many additonal shares as there are presently out there to reach the situation you cite. So, no RS out of necessity. If I am in error about Hemp, Inc.s situation regarding this particular aspect, I would like someone to point it out, and I will stand corrected if a valid argument can be made to the contrary.