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10/08/19 5:57 PM

#118717 RE: I FAR I #118716

MMEX-scam - more utter, total, complete B.S.

To the point, it is already well understood that MMEX-scam is nothing more than a mediocre share-selling scheme. Mad J. never planned, does not currently plan, and will never build anything, other than shareholder losses - he’ll certainly never build a refinery. So in most regards, IMO 2020 is hardly relevant, or worth discussing with respect to MMEX-scam / Mad J.

WTI and WTI-Light would need de-sulfurization to meet IMO 2020 (or any other transportation / combustion fuel) standard. That much is certain.

The current prop for which Mad J. has obtained an operating permit is a rudimentary topping unit. It lacks a desalter, has no hydro-forming capability, no process components that can remove or reduce sulfur, and lacks numerous other components that would be required to operate such a facility reliably. This is by design, because Mad J. would’ve been unable to obtain a TCEQ Type O permit, which is PBR - adding this equipment would put the project over the PBR emission cap, and would’ve required a full NSR - which costs millions (too expensive for Mad J.’s charade) and taken 18 - 24 months. All this is a matter of record, and a matter of fact. So Mad J.’s charade prop, even if it were ever financed and built (which it won’t be) could never produce a single drop of transportation fuel for any application.

Then there’s the location - contrary to fantabulous, imaginary, utter B.S. claims, Mad J.’s little plot of desert paradise has no access to Mexico, Central American, or markets south. Again, all on the record, and well-established fact. There are problems to the northeast as well, as the SORR/TXPR line can’t be used to haul hazmat because of its poor condition. There are no crude transmission lines in the vicinity of MMEX-scam’s little patch of desert paradise, nor are there any refined products transmission lines.

Poor Mad Jacki-boi’s only alternative, for transporting feedstock, or imaginary refined products from his imaginary refinery would be OTR tanker - the least profitable means of off-take, on an already money-losing project that could never run even close to break-even.

Anyone that believes a single line of Mad J.’s B.S. is either completely delusional, or in on the game, part of the con.

MMEX - You’ve Been Scammed!
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10/08/19 6:36 PM

#118719 RE: I FAR I #118716

If anyone believes this nonsense please feel free to give Hanks your money. There is no switch track where he wants to build tack one 5 more years of building for that!