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uber darthium

10/07/19 5:59 PM

#272 RE: DSherman #271

Actually yes. Remember when HOSed was $40 ? Then last December Hyman Minsky says “anything under $3 is a steal”. That is when I had to speak up,

Short Todd’s garbage into the ground. Bankruptcy is only place this POS can possibly head. They cannot continue to borrow money to keep open the doors.

How’s that newbuild program coming Todd ? LMAO


10/08/19 11:18 AM

#274 RE: DSherman #271

Perhaps some may learn to trade the stock and not the CEO. I have been trading for only five decades so I’m sure recent insight is much brighter, lol!!! BTW, hos at $40 is a non response and totally irrelevant to NOW but you already know this!!$$