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10/06/19 10:25 AM

#18791 RE: PaperSherpa #18790

I agree with you on most of this except the RICO part. The federal prosecutors are the ones who will decide if this is a RICO case therefore no settlement could stop that. So if Utah civil case doesn’t have certain offenders than a new civil case would be warranted. Also if a settlement in Utah happens it will conclude all liabilities against said defendants, that’s what most settlements are for, to settle any claims and make it done!


10/06/19 12:07 PM

#18796 RE: PaperSherpa #18790

Awesome analysis,Yes this is likely to happen:

This is just my opinion. If the Utah case goes well for SECI, I think the bigger named companies not in the Utah case will propose a settlement amount before it becomes a RICO case and SECI will either accept it or reject it. They are watching closely to see which way this goes... 'PaperSherpa'



10/08/19 12:14 AM

#18820 RE: PaperSherpa #18790

Who would decide if it is RICO? Would they have to be indicted, arrested? Personally, I wish federal prosecutors would decide now if they have a case or does SECI have to prove it to the federal prosecutors?
Interesting case especially since the other side wanted a summary judgement last year.