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10/05/19 3:12 PM

#714 RE: cinnamonpee #712

A. WWDD is a tiny biz trying to troll. At worst, they can buy it without anyone even feeling it on the cash flow statement. That’s what they wish actually. But,
B. If it was such a big deal, like penny stock dreamers want to make it, don’t you think the teams of lawyers at ATVI would shove it into the 10K? ATVI states for years that there are no significant legal actions taking place. If this is serious, they are committing fraud. I don’t believe they do.
C, yes, with the money and resources they have I believe they already developed their own workaround. It would be insane not to do so, and if anyone wants to state they are insane, fine, but they are the multi billion dollar cap, which makes them, well, very rational.