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10/04/19 10:40 AM

#62219 RE: Renee #62218

Spot on post - would not change a word. Good job, thank you.
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10/04/19 10:50 AM

#62221 RE: Renee #62218

Good, accurate, post!
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10/04/19 10:59 AM

#62223 RE: Renee #62218

Much appreciated info as usual Renee. Have a great Friday and weekend

Yes, there have been other SEC Registered stocks that have had their registrations revoked prior to, or on the day the SEC Suspension expires, or very soon thereafter.

I'll explain.

Most SEC Registered stocks that are suspended for Financials delinquencies do not respond to the Admin. Proceeding that accompanied the SEC Suspension. Those companies will definitely have their stock registrations revoked but the process takes a longer time, requiring the SEC Admin. Law Judge to conduct a second (or more) Hearing where the decision to revoke those companies' stock registrations will be made. There is no rush by the Admin. Law Judge to revoke those stock registrations because those stocks will likely never trade on the Grey Market so no further harm will occur to potential investors.

With companies that accept the SEC Admin. Law Judge's move to revoke that company's stock registration, like Lans Holdings did, there is no need for a second (or more) Hearing so the SEC Admin. Law Judge can revoke those companies' stock registrations as soon as they desire to do so, usually before the SEC Suspension expires or soon after the SEC Suspension expired.

It's important to note that in either instance those stocks either do not trade on the Grey Market or the trades are insignificant even if trading can begin on the Grey Market. Brokers simply do not allow opening positions (ie., buy orders) because they do not want to be saddled with unsettled trades when the SEC Admin. Law Judge revokes those stock registrations. So, even if LAHO had opened on the Grey Market shareholders could try to sell their shares but Brokers would likely prevent any buy orders, so that's why there is insignificant volumes on the Grey Market when revocation of a stock registration is imminent.

By accepting the SEC Admin. Law Judge move to revoke a company's stock registration it bodes well for any company that wants to reregister with the SEC, like Lans Holdings attests. A company that demonstrates respect for the authority of the SEC (the Suspension and Admin. Proceeding) and the authority of the SEC Admin. Law Judge (the revocation of the stock registration) has a much better chance of reregistering than a company that required the SEC Admin. Law Judge to forcefully revoke their stock registration.

Posts and opinions that Lans Holdings cannot or will not reregister with the SEC have no bearing in fact. Similarly, posts and opinions that Lans Holdings will absolutely reregister with the SEC also have no bearing in fact.

It is entirely up to Lans Holdings. The company states they will reregister with the SEC. It will require audited Financials for at least two full years (or less if a company hasn't been in operation for two full years).

Shareholders should be granted the opportunity WITHOUT OPPOSITION to have hope that Lans Holdings can and will reregister with the SEC.

It is Lans Holdings shareholders' RIGHT TO HAVE HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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10/04/19 11:02 AM

#62224 RE: Renee #62218

Thank you
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10/04/19 11:03 AM

#62225 RE: Renee #62218

Thanks for the post, Renee! Indeed, facts matter.
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10/04/19 11:08 AM

#62227 RE: Renee #62218

Great summary Renee. I have just 'a little' difficulty with this:

Brokers simply do not allow opening positions (ie., buy orders) because they do not want to be saddled with unsettled trades when the SEC Admin. Law Judge revokes those stock registrations. So, even if LAHO had opened on the Grey Market shareholders could try to sell their shares but Brokers would likely prevent any buy orders...

My disagreement revolves around 'shorts'. I remain of the opinion that brokers try to support short plays every chance they get. Literally acquiring additional fees on stock owned by someone else.

Great deal for brokers. When an event like what happened to LAHO where an immediate suspension of trade, shorts were left with an obligation to return the shares they own...the mechanics are too convoluted for me to ever try going the short route..

However, I am left with the opinion that an 'out' for shorts to fulfill their end of the bargain and return the shares they 'borrowed and sold' remains with the grey sheets. I believe this 'automatic' (unless otherwise avoided as LAHO did) is a means available to shorts for buying shares again before the ticker may be lost forever).

My disagreement resides with interpreting WHY this provision of grey sheets even exist in SEC regs. Shorting is BIG BUSINESS! Lobbyist exists to support this clause I am sure.

Therefore, I am highly doubtful that brokers inhibit any outstanding short from 'buying shares' in the grey sheets (at a lower pps no doubt) to complete (return) their obligation.

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10/04/19 11:11 AM

#62228 RE: Renee #62218

To the best of your knowledge do you know how many out of those thousands of SEC revoked tickers have actually risen from the dead?
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10/04/19 1:37 PM

#62246 RE: Renee #62218

Pretty much says it all! And IMO the path to re register and finish the Merger is a MUCH better and EASIER path considering the MASSIVE FIRESTORM of lawsuits and ruined reputations that NOT doing it would cause! They have the people and resources to pull this off! Thank you for posting this!!
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10/04/19 2:09 PM

#62249 RE: Renee #62218

Nice Post
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10/04/19 4:42 PM

#62258 RE: Renee #62218

Thanks Renee for your concise summary. Excellent!
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10/04/19 4:56 PM

#62260 RE: Renee #62218

Well thought and well said. Excellent post.
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10/19/19 2:26 AM

#63556 RE: Renee #62218

Great Post!!!!!! Totally Agree 1000%
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10/30/19 8:02 PM

#64355 RE: Renee #62218

Sorry Renee. Accidently responded to the wrong post.

Meant to respond to this.
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11/05/19 11:20 AM

#64659 RE: Renee #62218

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11/05/19 1:53 PM

#64665 RE: Renee #62218

G0 $LAHO $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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11/05/19 1:55 PM

#64666 RE: Renee #62218

Just a matter of time here, folks. September or indicates they are proceeding with merger and getting current and trading again !!!