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Fussy Group

10/11/19 1:22 AM

#46 RE: WHOAstocks #41

I think that "WHOAstocks" had a typo or leap in time when typing 20 stores to open. I think the number is 2. At one point, I vaguely recall, the plan was 5 a year for each of a couple of years yet to come, so maybe a cumulative 20 in a four year time frame?

Just remember, this is all good but also all still "tiny" -- so tiny as to be a special risk? Penny stocks are exceedingly risky in part because the typical investing institutions will not allow their stock pickers to put any shares trading below $5 per share into their portfolios. The control in one family, even if a family that is admired for talent and commitment, is a risk; but, I keep seeing indications that the controlling shareholder is genuinely interested in developing a deep bench of talent even while I realize that if the current leader were to fall ill, that would be a tragedy that the company is unlikely to survive.

I think this is deserving of a portion of my investments even if inappropriate for most investors.