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10/01/19 9:44 PM

#7116 RE: rustydog62 #7115

Allow me to translate

The roadshow failed, so the 80M shares we're about to dump on our suckholders will be recognized in extremely low cash reserves, thus we had to sh*tcan 30% of our workforce to keep the VIPs in the black.

We have a three point plan to make sure we can stretch this pig out so that we have plausible deniability in the event we are raided and face a long stretch in Stony Lonesome. These is them which we aforementioned just a minute ago:

1) We got a hotphone to the gummit
2) We hope 20 soon-to-be-stiffs let us poke and prod them
3) We gotta jump thru more hoops. F*ck! This s*cks!

We hope to god some biggy medco like GE buys us out b4 the townfolk come for us with pitchforks.

You're a lovely crowd. Try the veal.


10/03/19 9:25 AM

#7120 RE: rustydog62 #7115

ibx under 4 cents, must have been a great investor update lol. deja vu ntek all over again, yes?