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10/03/19 3:58 PM

#363 RE: Quintessence #362

News: WeedClub®, a Division of Farmhouse Inc., Announces Cannabis Networking Event on Oct 15 in SF
Press Release | 10/03/2019
WeedClub®, a Division of Farmhouse Inc., Announces Cannabis Networking Event on Oct 15 in SF

Farmhouse CEO to Deliver Cannabis Fundraising 101, Host VC Lightning Talks and @420 Pitches (Speed Round) on Oct 15 at WeedClub® in the Twitter Building in San Francisco, California.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Oct. 3, 2019 -- WeedClub®, A division of Farmhouse Inc., is pleased to invite cannabis and hemp industry stakeholders to its office at Runway in the Twitter Building on October 15 for an evening of growth stage and investor related content.

Event Registration Link:

The evening will begin with freestyle networking so that the previously fractured cannabis supply chain can be united together, along with other stakeholders such as: Investors, Service Providers, Startups and Growth Stage companies.

After participants have met key influencers during the networking segment of the event, Farmhouse, WeedClub and Extract Co-Founder Evan Horowitz will deliver a live Presentation: Cannabis Fundraising 101.

Then, currently active investors on the WeedClub Platform will deliver from the heart overviews of what they are looking for as they evaluate Founders and Companies.

Evan Horowitz said, All attendees are welcome to ask questions and participate in a deeper conversation as we work together as one industry to solve critical problems. Founders will learn more ways to find investor alignment, and Investors will discover new businesses to add to their portfolios.

To Register for the October 15 2019 WeedClub® Event at Runway in the Twitter Building: WeedClub® Presents: Fundraising 101, VC Lightning Talks, @420 Pitch Speed Round please visit Eventbrite at:

Interested in Pitching? Submit your company at

WeedClub® Friends in High Places! is a Division of public company Farmhouse Inc. $FMHS

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