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10/01/19 12:46 PM

#52536 RE: jollyben #52529

things are gonna become unreal here ! the investment community is going to catch up sooner or later with what is going in BNGI and boom


10/02/19 12:14 PM

#52748 RE: jollyben #52529

LOL! Fly or Crash. This POS can’t stop
Diluting long enough to get off the Ground.

Ya might wanna direct all anger towards this Scam,
and not towards those who disagree with you.
Call them and tell them how upset you are and
you might even get some realistic results.

Remember, I’m not “Realistic”!



10/03/19 3:21 PM

#52918 RE: jollyben #52529

whatya doing playing pennystocks still?