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TO Double D

09/30/19 8:31 PM

#53300 RE: tedro84 #53299

Better get ya some! Thanks for always looking out for us and showing us the light.....LOL


10/01/19 3:29 AM

#53307 RE: tedro84 #53299

This is the NioCorp Board and you seem to believe comparing ours with yours has some relevance.

Perhaps SCY should start by making the land owners happier!
In 2 years your mine has shrunk by more than half!
What does that do to your (20 year mine life) feasibility study?

Do they just take scissors and cut the FS document in half also?

Or am I reading this wrong?

"As previously reported, a formal objection was filed in 2016 by an affected landowner opposing our application for a mine lease (‘MLA 531’), in that same year. The objection was not properly handled by the Department, when received, and therefore not properly considered or formally determined prior to the mine lease award in 2017. On that basis, and after some attempt by the Department to rule on the validity of the objection itself, the Department first advised EMC-A that it was their view that ML 1763 was invalid, and later confirmed that invalid status in June 2019.

With notice from the Department on this action regarding ML 1763, the Company elected to have EMC-A file a new MLA (“MLA 568”) in April 2019, covering only EMC-A owned surface rights related to the project, totaling about 364.2 hectares, and excluding approximately 504 hectares of surface rights owned by the objecting landowner. This action has now resulted in the grant of ML1792, which is unaffected by the prior landowner objection, and will remain unaffected by any subsequent decision by the Department on the validity of that prior objection."

Please stop harassing this board with false claims of SCY grandeur.
There is nothing to compare.