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09/29/19 8:30 PM

#4032 RE: Quindien #4031

If not sharing info then what?

What IS the purpose of the board, or posts shared here? Is it NOT designed to "educate" others on the good or bad of investments, or provide verifiable DD? You made a statement, which I simply asked for clarification. Then you obfuscate.

"It’s not my place to educate you"

Surely the board is NOT designed to just propogate rumors, or parrot falsehoods provided by dodgy CEOs.

You have inadvertantly educated me on one thing:

ONCI's actual company website is a 'secret' you believe only Mary should divulge.

Curiouser and curiouser.

I guess I'll continue waiting for the ONCI ramp. I hear its a guaranteed 20-bagger, so there will be PLENTY OPPORTUNITY to get onboard.