I believe your source is incorrect. The CEOs may have the same name but they don’t have the same address.
My source (the Longshine Bio website) says Longshine Bio (the company named by your source) is located in China at the following address...
5-405,Matrix Int’l Ctr, NO.515 Yuhangtang Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, China
My other source (Nevada SOS) says the company merging into TRDX is located in Taiwan at the following address...
2F-2, 5F-2, No.669, Sec. 5,, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd, Taipei, 11061, TWN
My other source (the world map) confirms that Taipei,Taiwan is nowhere near Hangzhou, China
My other source (common sense) says your source is full of chit.