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09/27/19 8:02 PM

#12992 RE: flaflyersfan #12991

what do you think will happen with those cards FFF?

do you think that smme is simply loading those chips on our cards and then looking for something to do with them somewhere else on the planet ?

is it possible there is a misreading or misinterpretation of the quote you uploaded?
that quote does go on to say it will be easy to issue these cards to customers.

is it possible that ServiRed/Advantis wanted its chips on our cards because it liked a version of card that is protected by fingerprint security, of long life rechargeable battery, that can be used at an ATM and inserted into POS reader; a card type that it didn't already have but which would be a good marriage with its chips..?
is it possible, although never revealed through announcements to the market, that ServiRed/Advantis made this arrangement with smme so it could take these new clever smme cards, with its own chips then embedded in them, to its current group of client banks?

surely this would be of great importance and benefit for both sides and for you and me and every other smme investor.
I can't imagine clients of ServiRed/Advantis would have trust issues with the kind of chips they have been using for years in other cards, and it will be very simple for smme cards with the 'known' chips being accepted all round.
on the other hand, I can imagine the smme card with already 'known' and trusted Advantis chips will be an easy sell to customers of ServiRed.

I'm ever hopeful that this is in fact what is happening, although much slower than we had anticipated.

what do you think?


09/27/19 10:46 PM

#12994 RE: flaflyersfan #12991

I don't know why I do this to myself.

Again I ask the question: If all SMME did was to buy the Advantis chips why would ServiRed allow their reputation to be dirtied by associating with a bogus company which in no way benefits them (ServiRed) other than the sale of EMV chips?

NO, rather the relationship established between SMME and ServiRed via the use of the Advantis chip is more than a purchase agreement. It establishes a "partnership" like business relationship allowing any entity which chooses to purchase the SMME card with the Advantis chip to avail itself of the opportunity to use the Advantis payments network with the highest level of security available in a credit/debt card.

Your quote says exactly that: the chip allows use on its "OPERATING SYSTEM".

Perhaps to some having the Advantis chip embedded in the SMME card means little...but the truth is having the Advantis chip embedded in the SMME card means future sales of the SMME card are possible, I'd say highly probable.