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09/27/19 8:30 PM

#2761 RE: stervc #2759

The difference is all those companies and people/visionaries you are discussing were basing their inventions off legitimate scientific principles.
Cell phones were never a far stretch from radios and wireless communication is based on sound science. The moon? That was pretty amazing but scientifically feasible. Keshe is putting his own bs spin on that one though....he can do it with no
As for your other examples they are just great business men, visionaries, and entrepreneurs.
The problem with Keshe's nonsense is he doesn't specialize....he can do IT ALL ! !
He can cure the major diseases in weeks....cure the world of hunger by doubling food in space with no power source....make power from thin air...etc etc. Yet he doesn't seem to prove any of his wild claims and instead seems to goes out of his way to 'avoid' proving them. I wonder why? When in doubt always use the impossible to nail down 'China' angle....
He's been making these claims for years and years yet has never actually demonstrated any of it actually works in any credible arena. Oh must be because everyone is out to get him and steal his 'brilliance'...riggggght.
If even ONE of his claims he's been making for 1O or 2O years were even remotely true wouldn't he be a billionaire 1OOx over by now and the world would be a better place?....instead he's the CEO of.....well....this. LOL
All just my opinion of course.