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09/26/19 2:21 PM

#50228 RE: JB56 #50227

I disagree about not Todd's fault == non standard language, in terms of revenue and inventory levels is probably what spooked the market. I have no idea why they chose to put out such confusing press releases during last Q - maybe because the numbers were awful. It would be my preference that they simplify their reporting and do it in a normal way. Otherwise it starts stinking.
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09/26/19 2:29 PM

#50229 RE: JB56 #50227

I'm going to disagree & suggest at least part of the collapse from the .74 high is Todd's fault. A pullback after that sort of meteoric rise IS warranted, so let's give him the benefit of the doubt that this dropped back into the .30-.45 range due to natural pullback. That would make sense;

Where it went from there is a result of his incompetence when it comes to investor relations. It's not rocket science to realize your investors will want to know why your sales numbers took a dump (compared to expectations) in a quarter where the CEO was hyping having started selling in a TON of new distribution outlets.
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09/26/19 6:12 PM

#50237 RE: JB56 #50227

Hey JB,

I do think Todd gets too much blame, as I firmly believe he's building a really strong company behind the scenes....a company that's well positioned to excel in this growing sector. With that said, I'm with the others who blame him for the lack of clarity regarding Q2 and Q3 revs. In my opinion, every single company that has a 50% revenue drop over the previous quarter needs to explain why. The funny thing is, I dont really believe it's the $335,000 that needs to be explained. For me, it's the $680,000 from the previous quarter that needs explaining. What made that one quarter so massive? It was obviously a unique thing, like perhaps Gold Coast Distributors making a one-time buy to stock the 1000+ bodegas in NYC. Or it was something else. But all Todd had to do was say that when it happened! When the Q2 revs were announced, just say "we had an incredible record breaking quarter, helped by a one-time purchase of $XXXX". Make sure investors aren't expecting you to beat that number the following quarter. We had record breaking quarters umpteen times in a row, so everyone expected a number higher than $680,000. Even the most pessimistic on this board expected 20% growth as I recall. After the $680,000, all we got was good news. The big one for me was that manufacturing capacity was expanded. Had Todd explained that the $680,000 was not the norm, we'd be fine I think. Last quarter's $335,000 didnt have to be a "miss". Instead, everyone thinks it was. And Todd obviously knows that.

I'm long, confident in the future, and think EDXC will be an incredible investment down the road. But I absolutely feel that Todd is partly to blame for the stock price due to the lack of clarity. Just my humble opinion, as always
