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09/28/19 3:06 PM

#116143 RE: chilar4567 #116142

Ya I get it TD was right about Blackburn being a sack of shit I obviously no longer can say any of the board had any integrity.
I do maintain the reason no charges against any of them are because most of the shareholders were ripped off by a few powerful and connected traders who were able to easily extract tens of millions off many hapless traders in this deal alone .
The entire OTC should be shut down but so much has been stolen there isn’t much capital left . All the more reason to shut down .
I give credit to the few who have the ability to pull it off without any reprisal.
Even Henry Klein disappeared , he did his job convincing New York who the real crooks were
Blackburn, although making much more than he should off pbls and treaty , was a patsy in the final analysis.
This was a perfect storm for a couple of smart traders.


12/20/19 8:47 AM

#116183 RE: chilar4567 #116142