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09/25/19 11:51 AM

#32489 RE: Aqua-FX #32476

Don't mean to be Debbie Downer, but please be careful to separate what is established fact and what is opinion.

Too often on this board there is information shared by posters that get repeated enough that it gets taken as information from the company. Then if/when it doesn't pan out folks are upset the company lied or misled them, when it wasn't the company that set up the expectations, but a poster who supposedly was "in the know".

Trust but verify folks. If it hasn't been reported/communicated via a FTC enforcable method than it is not something the company will be held accountable for if it turns out to be inaccurate.

There have been multiple reoprts/guesses about what material is being processed on the pad. It may turn out to be lower grade, or it could be the good stuff. We don't have any information from the company presented via a method that they can be held accountable for if untrue.