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09/23/19 9:47 PM

#57422 RE: KentuckyHemp #57399

KHEMP, you have not lost anything if you do not sell, right? If you are long term I would imagine you will be just fine. I have no horse in this race. I owned CVSI ELLXF and CWEB at same time. I was feeling uneasy and felt I was not diversified enough and too much invested in Cannabis so sold my CBD stocks in early April. I felt then, like all three companies were solid investments, and I still feel that way. ELLXF and CVSI have both been crushed to say the least. CWEB has held up a little better. I am now looking to re-enter the CBD market so I have been researching, reading boards, and just trying to get a feel for where things stand for all three companies. One bothersome thing was the basic hatred I was reading on CWEB and CVSI boards, towards each other? Many referring to each others stock as POS etc. I did not read the ELLXF boards as I felt I would only come back and buy both CVSI and CWEB not ELLFX as much as I like ELLXF. I just thought CVSI and CWEB were better investments for me. I dont really get why both boards continue to fight like that? It does no good at all, quite the contrary. My thoughts are really basic. I see far more analysis covering CWEB and of those, the vast majority love CWEB. I then look at research firms via emails to see what they are hyping (Angel publications, Oxford, Bonner, Investors Place etc) This lets me see who is hyping what, watching volume, etc. Again, the coverage mostly favors CWEB. Then I read the boards and there are some really intelligent investors on this board, I mean, really well versed. I ask myself no way CVSI is not the real deal aside from the fact from my research, and from owning CVSI in the past, and making a little on my sale back in April. My gut tells me its a couple items costing CVSI. First, past management was a disaster and not a whole lot of trust there to say the least. Next, the MJ sector has been decimated for the past 5-6 months. Third not being on NASDAQ has not helped. Add to all that, the FDA handling of the CBD market has been, well, typical FDA. As the past President of a Biotech company in Ca. I have had many experiences with the FDA and I cannot think of one that was pleasant. Add to all of that I suspect you have investors reading boards (they do) and seeing the fighting and disrespectful postings between CWEB and CVSI posters I could see people researching CBD stocks and seeing these posts. Then they go back see more research firms, analysis, pumping CWEB and I just think that does not do the stock any favors. Look I really like both companies for different reasons, I really do. Both boards have extremely intelligent posters. I think the combination of being OTC, price where many equate price and OTC as a bad investment, then reading the boards, and all the above have at least contributed somewhat to the price. Being totally unbiased I think CVSI is still going to be a great long term stock but for some reason all of us forget long term and we start to live in the now and somehow wanting immediate gratification. I also cannot fathom having just one, or a couple stocks, all in the same sector. The market is like a casino, the house always wins unless you have done your research, believe in your research, in your company, in their management and products. If you do then relax, buy on dips, average down, and know your investments. I will have absolutely no problem investing in CWEB or CVSI long term. Both companies I truly believe are long term gems. CBD/HEMP is where the growth will be going forward. You know that. Sorry for the long post but the Bears-Skins game was just to damn boring to continue to watch. GLTA
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Wolf-man jack

09/24/19 6:31 AM

#57433 RE: KentuckyHemp #57399

Kentucky not so Fried. The Wolf is relaxing and waiting for the CVSI turnaround you understand. So many people now coming out of the closet smelling like mothballs. Makes one want to Hold Their Head Up And smile at their reasonings for their abrupt appearance you understand. Speaking of Bears. How far does a Bear run into the Woods? The Answer... Halfway, because that is the point when the Bear is running out of the Woods you understand. Have Mercy Wolf ahooooooo

Where is Wolfman? Did the Big Bad Bears eat him? I figured he would have chimed in on here by now.

KFC Says;

Wolf Says;