If an FDA inspector or contingent ever met with this clown they may shut this whole game down
Let's just say, the results of a site inspection, with the FDA demanding the SOPs for the manufacturing procedures, and evidence the product can be made in a reproducible manner, wouldn't go well.
Kenny told SHs in a PR pump issued the so called "perfect" cells only exist in a Vienna lab. Along with a 7th run is starting. Kenny gets a PASS. Please Kenny, please submit the mythical IND after that 7th run completes, without any QC results. Without reproducibility. That would be hilarious.
For the pipeline Kenny also gets a PASS. He mumbles about how cannabinoids can relieve cancer pain. No kidding! As in you treat systemic pain with a systemic oral dose. Remember the original claim Kenny dished out cannabinoids in a prodrug form plus the magic CIABs would be a cancer treatment? So Kenny is slowly backing away from cancer treatment to the more safe area of treating pain. Where oral systemic treatments are already in clinical testing. No magic CIABs required.
Kenny gets a PASS on funding. All he needed to do was to tell SHs a company in negotiations for a JV, usually is bound by NDAs. Duuuh! At no point did he say PMCB was in discussions.
Another area of speculation going into the CC was diabetes. Fur shur he was going to announce something wonderful there. Fur shur Kenny got a PASS.
Kenny can now relax. For the next 3 months, he can imply a Xmas surprise is in the works (e.g. about the time for the 7th cell run to complete). Definitely time to roll out the CRO for another interview. Also periodically since it worked so well from the Meeting, he can start attending every symposium he can find. Every city he visits, will have SHs scrambling to find out which biotech/pharma companies are located there. Keep the JV forum rumors alive. Keep collecting more PASSes.