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09/19/19 10:58 AM

#15244 RE: BottomBounce #15243

Seekingalphan is fri@king joke crap/pos shorties boiler scam. rotflmao.


09/19/19 12:26 PM

#15246 RE: BottomBounce #15243

HENRIK has done at least three articles about Fuel Cell Energy going bankrupt. I think it might actually be 4. And when Fuel Cell Energy came out with the last
10Q, I messaged he is going to come out with an article anytime now and sure enough a day later he did. He is a self-professed day-trader and short seller. he claims to have no position and not planning on taking one in fuel cell energy. However I can guarantee he knows people that are shorting or day trading the stock. And in my personal opinion he is receiving compensation for his articles. But that's just my opinion. Google him and look at his bio then look at his articles about FuelCell energy and compare them to positive news that came out. I guarantee you three of his negative articles came out within a couple of days of positive news from the company. It's a given. They have some merit. But only the merit that the company agrees with. Did if there's no change they have serious doubt about their ability to continue as a going concern. But again in my opinion that is a formality. They have to make that statement to protect themselves. In my opinion also they have never really feared the fact that they were going bankrupt. They knew what they needed to do how to do it and whether or not they could do it they just needed a leader to get it done and now they have one.


09/19/19 1:21 PM

#15247 RE: BottomBounce #15243

Bankruptcy within short notice but How old is the article ?