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09/19/19 7:56 AM

#14471 RE: PRED2020 #14470

It's almost like you created a new account to spread unsubstantiated rumors. Certainly hope it's true but these types of rumors help no one. I'll keep an eye out for official pred pr releases. Speculation on both sides has caused a bunch of unnecessary anxiety and unrealistic expectations. We have earnings coming out and supposedly a large deal being any announced shortly. Anything Bill gates and his wife are doing with their foundation is periphery stuff that if it turns out to be true would be icing on the cake at this point. Have a great day, go pred!

Sheriff 1533

09/19/19 8:15 AM

#14473 RE: PRED2020 #14470

I heard this, I heard that, I heard this, I heard that.... Hearsay really doesn't mean anything..let's stick to the facts and legitimate information.

I heard from a friend that I work with, that his sister's boyfriend has a friend, who's father knows this guy who he used to work with, that knows someone who used to work at Pred and so on and so on and so on....WTF


09/19/19 8:58 AM

#14482 RE: PRED2020 #14470

I also heard that theranos chief executive might be joining the board


09/19/19 10:08 AM

#14490 RE: PRED2020 #14470

Maybe Steve Jobs will be channeled in as well! Or Thomas Edison! All rumors, of course.


09/25/19 9:04 AM

#14964 RE: PRED2020 #14470

Sounds like something bill would do where did you hear it? I'll ask him if he even knows about this company. I think if he was involved .he would snap up a 100 million shares or more or just buy the company outright. This is how rumors get started you know. So again do you have a source?


09/25/19 9:16 AM

#14967 RE: PRED2020 #14470

Why Would Mr Gates donate money to a for profit Corporation? This would mean no tax deduction also it would be a windfall for all these greedy little minions that day trade this stock. Lol that's really funny. I don't think Bill got to where he is by giving away money without a tax deduction. Not if you said he was buying the company for a good reason that would be more likely. I want this position to go up high I stand to make a lot of money but I won't steal it through disinformation or false promotion .Short or long. My integrity is more important to me. It's all we can keep at the end of the day.


09/25/19 9:20 AM

#14968 RE: PRED2020 #14470

Can you post some sources for that please? Unless you have a credible source, I consider all statements incorrect until proven otherwise.