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09/18/19 9:57 PM

#84909 RE: Dogman 1955 #84907 much revenue does a pharmaceutical startup company generate through the R&D and FDA approval years? How much would they generate if a Big Pharma company with unlimited cash steals their patented formula and beats them to the market with the drug?

Let me help! After spending all that money on getting the formula developed & patented, the little start up has nothing to sell any longer. All they can do is try to prove their patent has been infringed. As shown over and over in the court system, this is no easy fight. The Bigs KNOW it’s more profitable to steal than invent. Must small companies go broke trying to defend their patents & prove infringement.

Yet, VPLM is still standing and fighting multiple Bigs at the same time and have a top notch IP law firm on their side. I wonder why? Possibly because the longs here understand the fight and are willing to support the company to either see the litigation through to a win with a large ROI or are willing to risk their investment 1x down in the event of a loss. After all, nobody can lose more than 100% of their ORIGINAL investment. If the investor can’t stomach the ups & downs and twists & turns of patent play stocks, then maybe she/he should just sit out and save themselves some anger & anxiety!