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09/18/19 3:31 PM

#52664 RE: cure627 #52663

great post cure!
Yes I am lurking and wishing for some good reasons to buy the stock as like you I also believe this is a great sector


09/18/19 4:00 PM

#52665 RE: cure627 #52663

How can we even be certain that the Lab in Canada is still in play? I have pointed out previously that Keystone Labs has removed any mention or logo or link to anything $EVIO related

Now the EVIO site has removed any mention of keystone or a testing lab in Canada.

$EVIO has the logos of certification for ISO, Oregon, California but nothing for the GMP for Canada?

I could sort of understand the embarrassment of the Keystone team wanting to hide any association with EVIO on their website (even though that seems completely counter-intuitive as they received a significant chunk of stock in the acquisition deal)

But why EVIO would remove any mention or association with their most expensive acquisition to date. In a jurisdiction that will be shortly seeing edibles and etc coming under testing requirements driving revenues up. Its like $EVIO have gone out of their way to hide the fact they are doing business in Canada at all.

I cant believe that Keystone could force them to do this?

Either $EVIO and willy wally fricktard has lost the lab and is hiding it from shareholders. OR hes succumbed to pressure and threats from keystone to remove any mention of their association. OR $evio management is just business as usual overlooking major and obvious things in their long trip of being the worst.

Also: while there are news storys linked on regarding Canada and EVIO from 2018. This story "EVIO Canada’s Keystone Labs Ready for Federal Regulatory Cannabis Pesticide Contamination Testing"
from Jan 2, 2019 isnt listed on EVIOs news page. In fact there are no news storys from 2019 on the site.

Someone on this board immediately disputed any commentary of the removal of all mentions of Keystone from evio and vice versa as being "scare mongering" and cited a source name theyd spoken to in Canada (who was definitely not a name on the masthead) and was assured everything was just fine.

At this point id have to strongly speculate that $evio has lost the Canada lab and shareholders investment in it. Until we get a public statement from either keystone or EVIO saying otherwise,the circumstantial evidence of the name scrubbing and the definitive evidence of ongoing gross negligence by evio management. how could we think otherwise?