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learning curve

09/18/19 2:39 AM

#25281 RE: greens12 #25251

I’ve been trading ~ 8yrs.
Personally I quite firm on the 100m volume day.

Can you go beyond “experience”?
Are your trader for a living?
What is your focus and / or specialty;
Tape read
Share structure
Fund follower
Management investigation

I’m wondering the above; and how you come to a % chance when there is no share structure parameters to merit $12 as a tracking price range.

My skills 1-10
1 tape read
2 theory
3 share structure (I could mix 2 &3)
4 Management investigation
5 crisis
6 fund follower
7 charts
8 notice 3-7 are worthless without theory.
Therefore when theory test is passed; i then read the tape
It is the work that is involved in 3-7 that even allows 2 & 1 to be mentioned...

Geert will be gone soon
12 is before 15 and
100m volume is coming