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09/16/19 9:46 PM

#10426 RE: grleroy #10424

Are they doing medical research I think they are and we will see a partnership to market. Time will tell.


09/17/19 4:10 AM

#10428 RE: grleroy #10424

I took some of my own advice and looked further into the Emerald/Abbatis partnership and found more problems. As a disclaimer, please don't take this as advice. As a one-time Abbatis shareholder who got out losing half my stake, and as a long Emerald health shareholder who is down not quite half, I'm seeing a pattern and only sharing what I've found.

In Oct 2017, Emerald seems to have joined forces in Northern Vines lab:

But if you read the article, it very much seems like Abbatis is running the show until you reach the middle of the article and come across this line: Under the terms of the agreement, Emerald Health becomes the majority shareholder in Northern Vine.

But with Abbatis not being a real company, just a website pretending to be a company and later being caught as a multi-year pump and dump scheme, what was Emerald doing? No due diligence? And yet majority owner Emerald's Avtar Dhillon is quoted as saying: "We see tremendous synergies and opportunities to work with Abattis both on extraction and research and development of medicinal and therapeutic products," said Avtar Dhillon, MD, Executive Chairman, Emerald Health Therapeutics. “This is an exciting development for Emerald.”

Which is it? zero due diligence or else Avtar said something on the wrong side of honesty?

And less than a year later Emerald pays them off: Aug 2018, for $2 million in cash and 1,093,938 common shares of Emerald:

Abbatis was a fraud company. That we know from the recent Vancouver fraud case involving Bridgemark and a dozen or so cannabis companies, including Abbatis. And while I almost hate to post this link to Citron research, it takes apart a number of Canadian cannabis companies, including Village Farms, Emerald's Sunfarm partner. No surprise that Avtar Dhillon's name is all over this article:
Personally, I've begun to face some facts. Many cannabis companies seem to have a problem with corruption. Finding it in the middle of Emerald gives me some insight as to why the SP is down so much. What I would prefer is that the Emerald board learns to wipe and get cleaned up so that they don't smell so bad. Maybe then investors will return.