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09/14/19 4:15 PM

#559418 RE: DCBill #559344

"Not an accident. It's by design, as Maloni predicted in his Calabria blog last week.

The longer you string out an answer, the less time you have to be surprised by an inquiry you hope isn't asked, because of the dreaded "Five Minute Rule."

The perfect witness stutters and is slightly hard of hearing!!

Nonbody on the R side asked anything that was tough, anyway.
For that very reason is why my single question to Mnuchim would be so good on a public interview:

The Obama administration used the money it stole from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pay for Obamacare subsidies that Congress would not appropriate. What have you and the Trump administration done with the money you have stolen from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the past 2 1/2 years?