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09/13/19 7:36 AM

#92220 RE: Sturgis #92219

That’s petty cash compared to billions of dollars giving away each year to countries.


09/13/19 7:37 AM

#92221 RE: Sturgis #92219

How many green cards are there in US alone?


09/13/19 11:53 AM

#92227 RE: Sturgis #92219

It could very well be why Mr Li conveniently couldn't show up for his court appearance. Something like that could lead to him being greeted by some suits and getting some questioning that he doesn't want to answer. Mere speculation on my part. We shall see how it plays out.

To me, its simple. Hubai and Sayid tried twice to get this thrown out of court with the same proposed discovery. The judge didn't bite. So what is it that Mr Li has been holding back that he very much so looks forward to bringing forth to the court during the deposition? What's he waiting for? If he had it, he would have already brought it forth. A death in the family does not excuse him from that. Does Hubai not want their shares? It's taken them over 10 years to claim them. Seems odd for a company to forgo going through the proper channels to receive what is rightfully theirs... Unless... it's not rightfully theirs and they are grasping at straws, dragging this out as long as possible in the hopes of a settlement.

Pretty sure Jason's lawyers smell blood in the water.