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09/08/19 6:39 PM

#331111 RE: Gremlin9999 #331110

My understanding is that ERHC would still exist as a private company and would still own the JDZ and EEZ assets. And shareholders would still own your shares.

It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out and whether there becomes any need for shareholder legal action.



09/08/19 6:58 PM

#331112 RE: Gremlin9999 #331110

Assuming ERHE actually has assets. Dormant, delinquent garbage tickers rarely have 2 nickles to rub together.

But They're loaded with bullshit, fluffy PRs, and other nonsense.


09/08/19 6:59 PM

#331113 RE: Gremlin9999 #331110

Check financials for asset financials. Nevermind.