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Chronic The Hemp Hog

09/08/19 3:59 PM

#554936 RE: Angelmin #554932

So in effect the FHFA can appeal to the Supreme Court. The supreme court likely will decline to hear the case. At that point it would go back to the lower court with Judge Atlas. Who would then decide whether to go to trial or not.

So an appeal can/would stall the outcome of the the En Banc win. If the FHFA have any concern for shareholders they would likely decline to appeal.
Assuming FHFA file appeal tomorrow about how long before will it take Supreme Court to answer the appeal?


09/08/19 4:38 PM

#554954 RE: Angelmin #554932

Actually, the Supreme Court receives roughly 10,000+ writ of certiorari a year, but only hear less that 100, so the math is less that 1%. However, they are more likely to hear cases where there are conflicting opinions in multiple lower courts, which is true in this case. I would assume the fact that this was only 9-7 could weigh on their decision as well. UST has 90 days to file a writ of certiorari, so I guess they have until about Dec 6th to file.

That said, either side appeals, this is years away from resolution. It seems Trump admin have timing incentive due to 2020 elections to move quickly and will be (or already have been) negotiating a settlement. Should be a fun-filled next couple months