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09/08/19 10:08 AM

#93048 RE: gint1 #93045

No doubt about it Gint. Can it fall back to .001? Of course it can, but the odds of it heading north from this area is significantly higher. Much of the debate on this board since last fall was how will the trial prove or disprove the efficacy of CaverStem®. Some folks even opined that the reason it did not get published many months ago was because it was all a sham, or that the trial proved poor efficacy and was being hidden from public view.

Many others opined that the timing of the paper was largely out of CELZ control and will be out when able.

The fact that the trial paper has now been submitted clears up much of that debate. The efficacy paper is real. It is complete and it has been submitted. AND now an additional 100 patients have been added to the report.

Whether the long delays in filing the paper were related to the process itself, CELZ not having the cash to pay for it, or a wait to add the newest 100 patients is unknown, but what is known is that all “unofficial” reports show that the efficacy paper will do two things.

It will prove that stem cell treatment for ED (CaverStem®) does work and is a simple non surgical, non drug option for patients. And it will prove that since it is a natural treatment, that it has a high success rate.

We have seen evidence that it does not work on everyone, at least based on some chatter in the blogs, but nothing works 100% of the time. None of the surgical procedures do, and none of the risky meds do. But we have also seen that it has worked a high percentage of the time on patients, and even on patients that have severe problems, are younger, and had little to no luck taking the riskier drug options.

Some of the doctors who just started using CaverStem® this year have shown excitement that a “fix” like this could be a HUGE arrow in their quiver and based on how simple the fix is, and how high the efficacy has been “unofficially” it could be a huge huge success.

Some chatter on the blogs is that patients will never risk a non proven injection in too sensitive of an area. I would say that may be the case for some folks, but as an example of human behavior, how many people quickly started vaping when their were no studies of the side effects or damage done to your lungs??? There are few areas in the body more critical than your lungs, yet millions of folks can’t fight the urge and vape daily.

Anyway, the efficacy paper will calm all that chatter as well. We could be just days away from the trial results and it will be a game changer. It will prove CELZ is for real to many on the fence.

Patients, doctors and investors have ALL been waiting on the “proof of concept” before getting in. We will see significant trading when the efficacy paper comes out and can be digested. It will be the start of a major recovery for CELZ IMO.

I still firmly believe we will see new offices opening very soon, a new surge of patients and revenue ramping up heading to self sufficiency. Will that happen in 2019 like hoped, or will it be pushed back to 2020?

My personal opinion is that it will be early in 2020. Too much of what I expected has taken too much time to roll out. It’s all happening, just slower than expected. The efficacy report will push the snowball down the hill faster and I think the offices like NM that are rocking it, will get even busier and be the example that many other offices will follow.

When that happens, likely this fall, revs will pick up fast.

Since at its core, it’s a simple procedure, and a simple training for the physician, there is no reason doctors won’t flock to add CaverStem® to their tool box when the patient demand is there. All that will start in earnest with the efficacy report IMO.

To answer the question.... new highs are very possible. Sub penny PPS is a joke. I also believe that when able, many of the notes and warrants will be paid off and they will never convert and hit the OS. We will see the TV commercials and more and CaverStem®, FemCelz® and soon StemSpine® will all be household names.

And just think. Investors can now buy in under a fifth of a penny. Those investors will easily 10 fold their investment IMO.