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09/05/19 8:05 PM

#112750 RE: bopemu #112748

BALLS THE SIZE OF CHURCHBELLS I tell ya. Think about it. Our company just released news that we’re making freaking joints. And $1.6million a days worth at $10 each as stated. This is different than any news we’ve seen. Combined with the vape-pen-scare the news has people worried over, this is a perfect storm. People want pre rolled flowers if THC or CBD alike... We literally just got a PR that said we’re rolling joints folks. Think about that! Something is up Bruce’s sleeve and this is a monster! The one we just waited 10 years for. Joints sold to every Homer Simpson, Fred Flinestone, Al Bundy or average white guy at FULL CAMEL OR MARLBORO CIGARETTE RETAIL PRICE AT EVERY 7/11 IN AMERICA BY every Apoo, Dots not feathers, slinging ginseng concentrates and metal bowl dugouts at the check out counter with dime bags of Mexican or Government dirt weed in little blue 0.8g cocaine bags. Voo Op Koop Sarat! Voo Op Koop Sarat! He says over and over again to Marge as she drives away with her tall blue hair. Not anymore!