???? Omg he need money from strangers on ihub... cut the b.s.
No idea why he would want to work with us over others because he does not know our group. I just started talking to the CEO when you gave me their number 6 months ago or so.
Details from the call:
-$10+ mil in operating capital (new internal software, more man power to package and ship out greater amounts of Hygieia product, and "machinery for the new facility")
-Timeline: Will start needing a portion of the capital 1st quarter 2020
I told he needs to lift the stop sign before we start making any calls, we will need to comb through all of his books, tax returns, bank statements, personal financials and there will have to be a guaranty from a real person not an entity for any of this to even work. He said he could make all of that happen.
I am surprised that he reached out to no one else on the board. That makes no sense in my mind.