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Porgie Tirebiter

08/29/19 10:34 PM

#33234 RE: JRyan #33223

Ok I have read on that many times. You believe it? Something that size hides behind the moon all the time and NO leaks? Really? You believe it?

Yeah, that's "out there" stuff.

Nearly as "out there" as ZN drilling a hole that all of the Middle East's oil is going to flow into.
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Prophetic Watchman

08/30/19 6:02 PM

#33252 RE: JRyan #33223

Mr Ryan...

quote.. I disagree, we still have freedom to some degree. Can you tell me something you are not allowed to invest in?

you mentioned the technology thats far advanced.. zero point energy.

show me a stock that you can invest in that realm?

quote...Men in Black - that came from Ufology and has turned into something rather funny.

there have been many who had a visit when they did something like energy/invention laboratories. when its known you have something. they have come to simply take it. many can verify this..

quote...Yes and ended up dead behind a road sign outside Vegas.

as far as the info I have, he was given a special cocktail to drink, and he was eliminated.

and for the moscovium/element 115 as lazar being the one who reversed engineered a craft at area 51/S4, we know that it was first synthesized in 2003 by a joint team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia.

after lazar interviewed on what he did for the government, his business was raided by the feds and others. that doesnt happen to someone if they are a plant. when you hit a nerve with the US gov, they knock on your door very quickly. just like the MIB.

as for zion oil in the realm of looking for that crude oil, it wouldnt even be happening if the free energies were released to the world. we know there is already a way to transmit wireless electricity. there just needs to be a source or sources to be able to distribute enough to power everything. according to my sources, there will be a new pyramid made of a glass like covering to separate the spectrum, and create that energy. the original pyramids were energy devices. the area had waterways around and under it. you need that to be a conductor. also the original pyramids were covered in white marble and had gold tips. all of it was removed/stolen or eroded. we have a number of things in archeology that prove past civilizations had the upper hand on technology that we dont. YET

the cabal wants to eliminate at least half of the worlds population before allowing the free energy to come. but thats not going to be allowed to happen.

there have been a number of whistleblowers coming out and telling their stories. 2 of them did a 20 and out. one was brought in at early age and was taken to military base near fort worth. he went down deep shaft, and entered elaborate underground tunnel system all over the south west. then star gated to moon. he was at the LOC. the other was in space marines. was on mars until he had to leave due to a conflict with other entities. he was in deep space program..

what do we see in latest coming movie announcements? 2 space movies

and Trump had stated he wants space force.. yet there are those 35 levels above him actually running that show that exists already.

it comes down to how long can a government hold back so called top secret dealings?

navy pilots report chasing and even shooting at et's. video of it is now out.

the government knows they have to bring full disclosure to the masses. many will be overwhelmed when they hear that the government has been working with et's since eisenhower was in office. he traded technology for et to be able to abduct and experiment on humans on their dna etc.

according to the source, there are 22 different experiments that have taken place with et's joining human dna with their own. been happening for 250,000 years.

yet human dna has a small percentage of protein coding genes.

so many questions without answers...