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08/28/19 6:26 AM

#51848 RE: Abaddon #51847

Yeah yeah poor little Convict he’s a saint, all saints go to jail, and lie, they have done plenty of movies about this POS.


08/28/19 11:23 AM

#51849 RE: Abaddon #51847

I hope they do a movie about Nathan's life, I would love to watch it.

Me, too. But not the penny stock years. The penny stock years are just sad. (Though the PRS©-whatever-it-is stuff could be tested in Peru by the Sesame Street Count as a PSA warning to kids not to drink unknown liquids from sports drink bottles handed to them by strangers…)

No, stick with the early years. In fact, the script is practically written for a darkly entertaining movie in the Brief for the United States, Case No. 99-366-CR-FAM, in Nathan's appeal in the Southern District of Florida.

The part about moving the gold coins is a real gut splitter. The whole thing is sort of a film noir version of Get Shorty. Of course, the characters, including Señor Hall, will prolly need pseudonyms….hmmm,

I can hear it now in that deep movie trailer voice: “Tom Cruise IS Nick. Corridor.”