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08/27/19 3:52 PM

#11932 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

Thank you Mr. Kramer for taking the time to post on this forum. The actions taken by the short sellers are clearly fraudulent and it's good knowing that we have shareholders, such as yourself, advocating for all of us!


08/27/19 3:57 PM

#11936 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930



08/27/19 4:58 PM

#11950 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

We are all excited to see this, and a breath of fresh air from the typical posts on this board. I for one will be excited to see this and more on sites that reach the masses and not the few who watch here.


08/27/19 5:03 PM

#11951 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

Outstanding post sir, best on iHub so far


08/27/19 5:27 PM

#11953 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930



08/27/19 8:39 PM

#11960 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

What a Wonderful post.
Thank you so much!!
Go PRED...


08/27/19 9:52 PM

#11961 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

"I spoke with someone very famous yesterday and today, they are shareholders in PRED and are making a public statement, as soon as tomorrow that will discredit Hindenburg and the SHORTs on this and other blogs."



08/28/19 3:08 PM

#12115 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

Reposting: Jerry Kramer, 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee Shares His Thoughts On Predictive Technology Group (OTC - PRED):

I am Jerry Kramer and a shareholder in Predictive Technology Group (“PRED”). Not only am I a Shareholder, but my children and grandchildren are also shareholders and some of my lifelong friends. I became a shareholder almost two years ago and have increased my shareholdings over time. I have not sold, nor do I plan to sell Predictive shares and for the long term will remain a Predictive shareholder.

Predictive Technology Group

For those who may not know me, here is a link to my 2018 NFL Hall of Fame speech, so you will understand what I believe to be the principles of fair play, honesty, and most importantly to do the right thing all the time and not just occasionally. If you have read any of my three best selling books, you may understand that I would have only invested in Predictive if their fundamental principles and ethics align with my personal beliefs. That is why I became a supporter of this company.
[url][/url][tag]Jerry Kramer's 2018 Hall of Fame Speech[/tag]

My History with Predictive:
I have met Predictive Technologies CEO Bradley Robinson on several occasions. I have spoken with members of the management team, visited their executive offices in Salt Lake, toured their laboratories, and talked to other research folks inside and outside of the company. More recently, I have been through Predictive’s state of the art new laboratory facilities on the campus of the University of Utah, where I got the chance to talk with several of its lab staff.

I have had dinner with Brad Robinson, his wife, and their children – including a daughter and a son both adopted from Africa. I have also met with Robinson’s youngest son and discussed his athletic future. These are the kind of people I want to do business with today and tomorrow because they have family values, commitment, vision, and the tenacity to build something for the greater good of all.

Predictive’s strategy of incubating other companies in-house, provide them the resources to grow, oversight, and eventually, those in-house produced assets, by strategic design that have now become part of the Predictive story. Developing a business or technology in-house is not only smart but a proven business model practiced by successful corporations the world over. It’s nonsense that Brad Robinson profited from his interests in these acquired companies, which can be easily proven if anyone takes the time to read the disclosures within the Predictive NASDAQ Form 10 filings.

Predictive's SEC Regulatory Filings

Two years ago John Sorrentino was V.P. and Chief Operating Officer and a highly valued senior executive of a $34 billion division at Pfizer. While at Pfizer, its Board of Directors had to approve John Sorrentino to become Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at Predictive. Some time ago, I understood that John Sorrentino might eventually become Chairman of Predictive’s Board of Directors, a position he holds today.

Many other qualified individuals have joined Predictive’s Board, their Scientific Advisory Board, and taken vital management positions, including Senator Hatch among other seasoned and talented life science executives. All these individuals separately and together represent Experience, Intelligence, Significant Track Records, and Ethics. Predictive people all combined show me they have assembled a highly professional team to develop and market diagnostics and therapeutics around the world.

In The Beginning:

I decided to try Predictive Biotech’s regenerative human cell & tissue products because I had been suffering from debilitating back pain and hip problems for far too many years. I had seen a dozen doctors, had stem cell injections and tried and exhausted almost every possible treatment with little to no success in stopping the pain. jeff-acuff-as-chief-commercial-officer-of-predictive-biotech-2019-08-23" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >Predictive Biotech

I was introduced to Dr. Rick Obrey of Southwest Spine and Pain in Utah in the spring of 2018. Dr. Obrey carefully reviewed my MRI images and explained to me in great detail my issues, and we decided I would try Predictive’s regenerative products, which include stem cells. I have now had five treatments. Those who suffer from chronic pain know too well how excruciating, and debilitating back pain is. Dr. Obrey received a Merlin Olsen scholarship, which helped him finish medical school. Merlin was a friend of mine, and his philanthropic organization has helped hundreds of people over the years.

Football Foundation
Southwest Spine and Pain

At the time of my first treatment, I had not been selected as an NFL Hall of Fame finalist. In the back of my mind was a concern that if I made it into the Hall of Fame, would I be physically able to walk through the gauntlet of other Hall of Fame members and up to the podium? I not only stepped up on to the podium to be inducted in the Hall of Fame but did so with little pain. I attribute this to having received Predictive regenerative products, and since that time, I have been able to attend and participate in many charitable functions. Last week I attended Killebrew-Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament in Sun Valley, Idaho. I have been visiting this event for nearly forty years, and we have raised over $20 million for cancer research. I regularly speak all over the country and recently spoke to the Association of State Attorney Generals, Roth Capital Conference, Boys, and Girls Clubs, The Make a Wish Foundation, Buckets for Hunger, and many more fine organizations. I have much of my former life back.

I am not new to the world of medical research, and before my becoming a Predictive shareholder, I had spent twelve years educating myself about regenerative and anti-aging technologies. In my learning process, I have had meetings with world-renowned researchers and visited many leading U.S. research laboratories. These included discussions with Dr. Sinclair (Harvard Medical School), Dr. Guarente (MIT), Dr. Jamie Thompson, the University of Wisconsin and in-part credited with inducing human cells to become pluripotent stem cells. See their accomplishments. I have done my research.
[url] [/url][tag]Dr. Sinclare at Harvard[/tag]
Dr. Guarente at MIT
Dr. Thompson

Thieves, Robbers, and Crooks:

Like other Predictive shareholders, I too lost significant share value from a false market manipulation Report that was prepared to create fear, lack of confidence, and insecurity among us shareholders. I read that Report several times and immediately knew it was full of inaccuracies, false information and on-whole were explicitly intended to manipulate Predictive stock price down to allow the ready and waiting shorter to make enormous profits. These profits were made from an illegal and fraudulent scheme, and a conspiracy to defraud. What was perpetrated upon Predictive shareholders was STEALING from honest people, e.g., you, our families, and me. These illegal market manipulators stole $1.2 billion from the shareholders of Predictive - us!

I knew immediately the Report was fraudulent and made-up when falsely accusing Dr. Obrey (and his practice partners), a Mayo trained physician with eleven clinics and thirteen doctors were not selling HIPAA regulated confidential patient information. The truth is these doctors at Southwest Spine and Pain are some of the best-trained doctors in the country and to accuse them of evil deeds, which would be a career-ending illegal act in violation of numerous U.S. Federal laws, is ridiculous and failed the smell test. These allegations were also a part of a carefully orchestrated fraud upon us shareholders and an assault upon those individual doctor’s reputations.

Southwest Spine nd Pain Doctors

Then there are the Report’s allegations that Predictive products are fake, not real, or having no biologic potency is equally ridiculous and sinister. Last week I telephoned my friend and former Green Bay Packer’s teammate Don Horn of Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers in Colorado. Premier Regenerative has treated over eleven thousand people with regenerative products. Over 500 of these are former NFL players. Don Horn told me that Premier Regenerative only uses Predictive products because of their quality and consistency. It is also worth mentioning that Premier Regenerative has a direct relationship with the NFL Alumni Organization.
[url][/url][tag]NFL Alumni and Premier Regenerative Stem Cell[/tag]

Incredibly, no one has considered why the NFL Alumni Organization would allow sub-standard regenerative products administered to its members, many of which are my life-long friends. The answer is Predictive products are world-class, and the Report’s allegations are outright fabrications and falsehoods designed to steal my and your Predictive shares. Somewhere I heard there are 1,100+ clinics and providers that use Predictive regenerative products, and over 1000 Predictive liquid nitrogen storage vessels installed in clinics across America and in Canada. Predictive Biotech, a wholly-owned subsidiary, operates a sophisticated business, and its laboratories exceed the regulatory requirements for regenerative human cell & tissue companies in the United States.

Premine on Facebook
Don Horn and Gridirons Greats
Don Horn

Predictive's many press announcements tell much about its people and products but they are only part of the story. Shareholders should focus on the company's diagnostics for endometriosis, the collaboration with Thermal Fisher (a 24 billion dollar global company) and an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved clinical study (PGxPLUS+) for genetic pain markers. There is much more to say about how these and other intellectual properties fit together, but I will leave that to Predictive's management and life science financial analysts.

iPredictive Presents at ASRM 2019

I am speaking with industry professionals who also have an interest in stopping this type of extended ongoing fraudulent market manipulation. It is my responsibility as a shareholder, someone who has had first-hand experience with Predictive management and its products, and because I have a public voice and audience, I cannot sit on the sidelines. The only moral choice was to become involved and help right this wrong and stop the looting and stealing from decent, hard-working American investors that include you, me, our neighbors and friends, our children, grandchildren, and parents.

I have not spoken Predictive’s management, or it's Board members about my intention to comment publicly, nor have I acquired Predictive shares at a lower price – a price and value created only by fraud and market manipulation.

I hope I can play a small part in correcting these abuses for all shareholders.

Jerry Kramer
Five NFL Championships, including Two Super Bowl Championships with the Green Bay Packers 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee and Member


08/28/19 3:14 PM

#12119 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

Reposting: Jerry Kramer, 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee Shares His Thoughts On Predictive Technology Group (OTC - PRED):

I am Jerry Kramer and a shareholder in Predictive Technology Group (“PRED”). Not only am I a Shareholder, but my children and grandchildren are also shareholders and some of my lifelong friends. I became a shareholder almost two years ago and have increased my shareholdings over time. I have not sold, nor do I plan to sell Predictive shares and for the long term will remain a Predictive shareholder.

Predictive Technology Group

For those who may not know me, here is a link to my 2018 NFL Hall of Fame speech, so you will understand what I believe to be the principles of fair play, honesty, and most importantly to do the right thing all the time and not just occasionally. If you have read any of my three best selling books, you may understand that I would have only invested in Predictive if their fundamental principles and ethics align with my personal beliefs. That is why I became a supporter of this company.

Jerry Kramer's 2018 Hall of Fame Speech

My History with Predictive:
I have met Predictive Technologies CEO Bradley Robinson on several occasions. I have spoken with members of the management team, visited their executive offices in Salt Lake, toured their laboratories, and talked to other research folks inside and outside of the company. More recently, I have been through Predictive’s state of the art new laboratory facilities on the campus of the University of Utah, where I got the chance to talk with several of its lab staff.

I have had dinner with Brad Robinson, his wife, and their children – including a daughter and a son both adopted from Africa. I have also met with Robinson’s youngest son and discussed his athletic future. These are the kind of people I want to do business with today and tomorrow because they have family values, commitment, vision, and the tenacity to build something for the greater good of all.

Predictive’s strategy of incubating other companies in-house, provide them the resources to grow, oversight, and eventually, those in-house produced assets, by strategic design that have now become part of the Predictive story. Developing a business or technology in-house is not only smart but a proven business model practiced by successful corporations the world over. It’s nonsense that Brad Robinson profited from his interests in these acquired companies, which can be easily proven if anyone takes the time to read the disclosures within the Predictive NASDAQ Form 10 filings.

Predictive's SEC Regulatory Filings

Two years ago John Sorrentino was V.P. and Chief Operating Officer and a highly valued senior executive of a $34 billion division at Pfizer. While at Pfizer, its Board of Directors had to approve John Sorrentino to become Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at Predictive. Some time ago, I understood that John Sorrentino might eventually become Chairman of Predictive’s Board of Directors, a position he holds today.

Many other qualified individuals have joined Predictive’s Board, their Scientific Advisory Board, and taken vital management positions, including Senator Hatch among other seasoned and talented life science executives. All these individuals separately and together represent Experience, Intelligence, Significant Track Records, and Ethics. Predictive people all combined show me they have assembled a highly professional team to develop and market diagnostics and therapeutics around the world.

In The Beginning:

I decided to try Predictive Biotech’s regenerative human cell & tissue products because I had been suffering from debilitating back pain and hip problems for far too many years. I had seen a dozen doctors, had stem cell injections and tried and exhausted almost every possible treatment with little to no success in stopping the pain. jeff-acuff-as-chief-commercial-officer-of-predictive-biotech-2019-08-23" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >Predictive Biotech

I was introduced to Dr. Rick Obrey of Southwest Spine and Pain in Utah in the spring of 2018. Dr. Obrey carefully reviewed my MRI images and explained to me in great detail my issues, and we decided I would try Predictive’s regenerative products, which include stem cells. I have now had five treatments. Those who suffer from chronic pain know too well how excruciating, and debilitating back pain is. Dr. Obrey received a Merlin Olsen scholarship, which helped him finish medical school. Merlin was a friend of mine, and his philanthropic organization has helped hundreds of people over the years.

Football Foundation
Southwest Spine and Pain

At the time of my first treatment, I had not been selected as an NFL Hall of Fame finalist. In the back of my mind was a concern that if I made it into the Hall of Fame, would I be physically able to walk through the gauntlet of other Hall of Fame members and up to the podium? I not only stepped up on to the podium to be inducted in the Hall of Fame but did so with little pain. I attribute this to having received Predictive regenerative products, and since that time, I have been able to attend and participate in many charitable functions. Last week I attended Killebrew-Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament in Sun Valley, Idaho. I have been visiting this event for nearly forty years, and we have raised over $20 million for cancer research. I regularly speak all over the country and recently spoke to the Association of State Attorney Generals, Roth Capital Conference, Boys, and Girls Clubs, The Make a Wish Foundation, Buckets for Hunger, and many more fine organizations. I have much of my former life back.

I am not new to the world of medical research, and before my becoming a Predictive shareholder, I had spent twelve years educating myself about regenerative and anti-aging technologies. In my learning process, I have had meetings with world-renowned researchers and visited many leading U.S. research laboratories. These included discussions with Dr. Sinclair (Harvard Medical School), Dr. Guarente (MIT), Dr. Jamie Thompson, the University of Wisconsin and in-part credited with inducing human cells to become pluripotent stem cells. See their accomplishments. I have done my research.
[url] [/url][tag]Dr. Sinclare at Harvard[/tag]
Dr. Guarente at MIT
Dr. Thompson

Thieves, Robbers, and Crooks:

Like other Predictive shareholders, I too lost significant share value from a false market manipulation Report that was prepared to create fear, lack of confidence, and insecurity among us shareholders. I read that Report several times and immediately knew it was full of inaccuracies, false information and on-whole were explicitly intended to manipulate Predictive stock price down to allow the ready and waiting shorter to make enormous profits. These profits were made from an illegal and fraudulent scheme, and a conspiracy to defraud. What was perpetrated upon Predictive shareholders was STEALING from honest people, e.g., you, our families, and me. These illegal market manipulators stole $1.2 billion from the shareholders of Predictive - us!

I knew immediately the Report was fraudulent and made-up when falsely accusing Dr. Obrey (and his practice partners), a Mayo trained physician with eleven clinics and thirteen doctors were not selling HIPAA regulated confidential patient information. The truth is these doctors at Southwest Spine and Pain are some of the best-trained doctors in the country and to accuse them of evil deeds, which would be a career-ending illegal act in violation of numerous U.S. Federal laws, is ridiculous and failed the smell test. These allegations were also a part of a carefully orchestrated fraud upon us shareholders and an assault upon those individual doctor’s reputations.

Southwest Spine nd Pain Doctors

Then there are the Report’s allegations that Predictive products are fake, not real, or having no biologic potency is equally ridiculous and sinister. Last week I telephoned my friend and former Green Bay Packer’s teammate Don Horn of Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers in Colorado. Premier Regenerative has treated over eleven thousand people with regenerative products. Over 500 of these are former NFL players. Don Horn told me that Premier Regenerative only uses Predictive products because of their quality and consistency. It is also worth mentioning that Premier Regenerative has a direct relationship with the NFL Alumni Organization.
[url][/url][tag]NFL Alumni and Premier Regenerative Stem Cell[/tag]

Incredibly, no one has considered why the NFL Alumni Organization would allow sub-standard regenerative products administered to its members, many of which are my life-long friends. The answer is Predictive products are world-class, and the Report’s allegations are outright fabrications and falsehoods designed to steal my and your Predictive shares. Somewhere I heard there are 1,100+ clinics and providers that use Predictive regenerative products, and over 1000 Predictive liquid nitrogen storage vessels installed in clinics across America and in Canada. Predictive Biotech, a wholly-owned subsidiary, operates a sophisticated business, and its laboratories exceed the regulatory requirements for regenerative human cell & tissue companies in the United States.

Premine on Facebook
Don Horn and Gridirons Greats
Don Horn

Predictive's many press announcements tell much about its people and products but they are only part of the story. Shareholders should focus on the company's diagnostics for endometriosis, the collaboration with Thermal Fisher (a 24 billion dollar global company) and an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved clinical study (PGxPLUS+) for genetic pain markers. There is much more to say about how these and other intellectual properties fit together, but I will leave that to Predictive's management and life science financial analysts.

iPredictive Presents at ASRM 2019

I am speaking with industry professionals who also have an interest in stopping this type of extended ongoing fraudulent market manipulation. It is my responsibility as a shareholder, someone who has had first-hand experience with Predictive management and its products, and because I have a public voice and audience, I cannot sit on the sidelines. The only moral choice was to become involved and help right this wrong and stop the looting and stealing from decent, hard-working American investors that include you, me, our neighbors and friends, our children, grandchildren, and parents.

I have not spoken Predictive’s management, or it's Board members about my intention to comment publicly, nor have I acquired Predictive shares at a lower price – a price and value created only by fraud and market manipulation.

I hope I can play a small part in correcting these abuses for all shareholders.

Jerry Kramer
Five NFL Championships, including Two Super Bowl Championships with the Green Bay Packers 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee and Member


08/28/19 3:15 PM

#12120 RE: JerryKramer64 #11930

Reposting: Jerry Kramer, 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee Shares His Thoughts On Predictive Technology Group (OTC - PRED):

I am Jerry Kramer and a shareholder in Predictive Technology Group (“PRED”). Not only am I a Shareholder, but my children and grandchildren are also shareholders and some of my lifelong friends. I became a shareholder almost two years ago and have increased my shareholdings over time. I have not sold, nor do I plan to sell Predictive shares and for the long term will remain a Predictive shareholder.

Predictive Technology Group

For those who may not know me, here is a link to my 2018 NFL Hall of Fame speech, so you will understand what I believe to be the principles of fair play, honesty, and most importantly to do the right thing all the time and not just occasionally. If you have read any of my three best selling books, you may understand that I would have only invested in Predictive if their fundamental principles and ethics align with my personal beliefs. That is why I became a supporter of this company.

Jerry Kramer's 2018 Hall of Fame Speech

My History with Predictive:
I have met Predictive Technologies CEO Bradley Robinson on several occasions. I have spoken with members of the management team, visited their executive offices in Salt Lake, toured their laboratories, and talked to other research folks inside and outside of the company. More recently, I have been through Predictive’s state of the art new laboratory facilities on the campus of the University of Utah, where I got the chance to talk with several of its lab staff.

I have had dinner with Brad Robinson, his wife, and their children – including a daughter and a son both adopted from Africa. I have also met with Robinson’s youngest son and discussed his athletic future. These are the kind of people I want to do business with today and tomorrow because they have family values, commitment, vision, and the tenacity to build something for the greater good of all.

Predictive’s strategy of incubating other companies in-house, provide them the resources to grow, oversight, and eventually, those in-house produced assets, by strategic design that have now become part of the Predictive story. Developing a business or technology in-house is not only smart but a proven business model practiced by successful corporations the world over. It’s nonsense that Brad Robinson profited from his interests in these acquired companies, which can be easily proven if anyone takes the time to read the disclosures within the Predictive NASDAQ Form 10 filings.

Predictive's SEC Regulatory Filings

Two years ago John Sorrentino was V.P. and Chief Operating Officer and a highly valued senior executive of a $34 billion division at Pfizer. While at Pfizer, its Board of Directors had to approve John Sorrentino to become Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at Predictive. Some time ago, I understood that John Sorrentino might eventually become Chairman of Predictive’s Board of Directors, a position he holds today.

Many other qualified individuals have joined Predictive’s Board, their Scientific Advisory Board, and taken vital management positions, including Senator Hatch among other seasoned and talented life science executives. All these individuals separately and together represent Experience, Intelligence, Significant Track Records, and Ethics. Predictive people all combined show me they have assembled a highly professional team to develop and market diagnostics and therapeutics around the world.

In The Beginning:

I decided to try Predictive Biotech’s regenerative human cell & tissue products because I had been suffering from debilitating back pain and hip problems for far too many years. I had seen a dozen doctors, had stem cell injections and tried and exhausted almost every possible treatment with little to no success in stopping the pain. jeff-acuff-as-chief-commercial-officer-of-predictive-biotech-2019-08-23" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >Predictive Biotech

I was introduced to Dr. Rick Obrey of Southwest Spine and Pain in Utah in the spring of 2018. Dr. Obrey carefully reviewed my MRI images and explained to me in great detail my issues, and we decided I would try Predictive’s regenerative products, which include stem cells. I have now had five treatments. Those who suffer from chronic pain know too well how excruciating, and debilitating back pain is. Dr. Obrey received a Merlin Olsen scholarship, which helped him finish medical school. Merlin was a friend of mine, and his philanthropic organization has helped hundreds of people over the years.

Football Foundation
Southwest Spine and Pain

At the time of my first treatment, I had not been selected as an NFL Hall of Fame finalist. In the back of my mind was a concern that if I made it into the Hall of Fame, would I be physically able to walk through the gauntlet of other Hall of Fame members and up to the podium? I not only stepped up on to the podium to be inducted in the Hall of Fame but did so with little pain. I attribute this to having received Predictive regenerative products, and since that time, I have been able to attend and participate in many charitable functions. Last week I attended Killebrew-Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament in Sun Valley, Idaho. I have been visiting this event for nearly forty years, and we have raised over $20 million for cancer research. I regularly speak all over the country and recently spoke to the Association of State Attorney Generals, Roth Capital Conference, Boys, and Girls Clubs, The Make a Wish Foundation, Buckets for Hunger, and many more fine organizations. I have much of my former life back.

I am not new to the world of medical research, and before my becoming a Predictive shareholder, I had spent twelve years educating myself about regenerative and anti-aging technologies. In my learning process, I have had meetings with world-renowned researchers and visited many leading U.S. research laboratories. These included discussions with Dr. Sinclair (Harvard Medical School), Dr. Guarente (MIT), Dr. Jamie Thompson, the University of Wisconsin and in-part credited with inducing human cells to become pluripotent stem cells. See their accomplishments. I have done my research.
[url] [/url][tag]Dr. Sinclare at Harvard[/tag]
Dr. Guarente at MIT
Dr. Thompson

Thieves, Robbers, and Crooks:

Like other Predictive shareholders, I too lost significant share value from a false market manipulation Report that was prepared to create fear, lack of confidence, and insecurity among us shareholders. I read that Report several times and immediately knew it was full of inaccuracies, false information and on-whole were explicitly intended to manipulate Predictive stock price down to allow the ready and waiting shorter to make enormous profits. These profits were made from an illegal and fraudulent scheme, and a conspiracy to defraud. What was perpetrated upon Predictive shareholders was STEALING from honest people, e.g., you, our families, and me. These illegal market manipulators stole $1.2 billion from the shareholders of Predictive - us!

I knew immediately the Report was fraudulent and made-up when falsely accusing Dr. Obrey (and his practice partners), a Mayo trained physician with eleven clinics and thirteen doctors were not selling HIPAA regulated confidential patient information. The truth is these doctors at Southwest Spine and Pain are some of the best-trained doctors in the country and to accuse them of evil deeds, which would be a career-ending illegal act in violation of numerous U.S. Federal laws, is ridiculous and failed the smell test. These allegations were also a part of a carefully orchestrated fraud upon us shareholders and an assault upon those individual doctor’s reputations.

Southwest Spine nd Pain Doctors

Then there are the Report’s allegations that Predictive products are fake, not real, or having no biologic potency is equally ridiculous and sinister. Last week I telephoned my friend and former Green Bay Packer’s teammate Don Horn of Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers in Colorado. Premier Regenerative has treated over eleven thousand people with regenerative products. Over 500 of these are former NFL players. Don Horn told me that Premier Regenerative only uses Predictive products because of their quality and consistency. It is also worth mentioning that Premier Regenerative has a direct relationship with the NFL Alumni Organization.
[url][/url][tag]NFL Alumni and Premier Regenerative Stem Cell[/tag]

Incredibly, no one has considered why the NFL Alumni Organization would allow sub-standard regenerative products administered to its members, many of which are my life-long friends. The answer is Predictive products are world-class, and the Report’s allegations are outright fabrications and falsehoods designed to steal my and your Predictive shares. Somewhere I heard there are 1,100+ clinics and providers that use Predictive regenerative products, and over 1000 Predictive liquid nitrogen storage vessels installed in clinics across America and in Canada. Predictive Biotech, a wholly-owned subsidiary, operates a sophisticated business, and its laboratories exceed the regulatory requirements for regenerative human cell & tissue companies in the United States.

Premine on Facebook
Don Horn and Gridirons Greats
Don Horn

Predictive's many press announcements tell much about its people and products but they are only part of the story. Shareholders should focus on the company's diagnostics for endometriosis, the collaboration with Thermal Fisher (a 24 billion dollar global company) and an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved clinical study (PGxPLUS+) for genetic pain markers. There is much more to say about how these and other intellectual properties fit together, but I will leave that to Predictive's management and life science financial analysts.

iPredictive Presents at ASRM 2019

I am speaking with industry professionals who also have an interest in stopping this type of extended ongoing fraudulent market manipulation. It is my responsibility as a shareholder, someone who has had first-hand experience with Predictive management and its products, and because I have a public voice and audience, I cannot sit on the sidelines. The only moral choice was to become involved and help right this wrong and stop the looting and stealing from decent, hard-working American investors that include you, me, our neighbors and friends, our children, grandchildren, and parents.

I have not spoken Predictive’s management, or it's Board members about my intention to comment publicly, nor have I acquired Predictive shares at a lower price – a price and value created only by fraud and market manipulation.

I hope I can play a small part in correcting these abuses for all shareholders.

Jerry Kramer
Five NFL Championships, including Two Super Bowl Championships with the Green Bay Packers 2018 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee and Member