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08/27/19 2:12 PM

#18827 RE: 1wish1wouldbekosto #18826

I try to keep it simple and avoid complaining.......
What are the odds the management(new or old) likely to alter the course,from high growth with lost to moderate growth with profit,and how soon??If not less than 6 months,walk away and back with smart money when it did,likely @80c.
example,last q:
ivfh eps=0.5c,pe>25+
asnb eps=1.2c,pe<3
probable outcome:
better roi
less risk
odds are in my favor by multiple fold
and no complaint.


08/27/19 7:36 PM

#18828 RE: 1wish1wouldbekosto #18826

Ever filed a complaint with the SEC? I have. Twice. They are absolutely useless. They don't care at all about the retail investor. Frankly, I'm not sure what they do, but I know that protecting capitalism and retail investors is not something they do. Don't believe me? File a complaint. Just for the experience. Then sit back and wait forever because nothing is going to happen. Not now, not ever.