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08/27/19 12:29 PM

#8981 RE: Tanker12 #8980

No they're not at all on the same page as should be obvious by their lack of communication. They didn't pay cash for their shares like poor retailers did. Not only did they not pay cash for their shares but retailers pay their handsome salaries and perks! And they may be able to convert their shares into whatever comes next while retailers lose everything as they unload debt. It's a beautiful thing...for Professor K and penny executives. LOL

>>These guys are on the same page as us. They may be getting a decent salary but the pay off is in stock options they hold! I can not believe they would ride this to the bottom and walk away with nothing!


08/29/19 9:34 AM

#8983 RE: Tanker12 #8980

Like a reed in the wind. So is my position here. Can they pull it together?

Patience. That's all I have. No contempt. That's OTC bio start ups. No tiki, no laundry. Simply need to get solid financing.