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08/23/19 7:52 AM

#76611 RE: Ecomike #76608

Combining different types of quantum dots with different light frequency bands, with different patterns gives an infinite variety of possible keys. Add using QD in additive 3D printing and its Beyond Infinity.

IR laser readers are small and already available and possibly could be a USB connection on a computer. Just guessing.


08/23/19 11:54 AM

#76621 RE: Ecomike #76608

Block-chain, at least as far as bit coin is concerned, consumes massive amounts of power $$$$$$$ and service Capex hardware. Not sure how that overlaps with IBM's cloud use of Block-chain, cost wise, but lets assume it is also a hardware and power hog maintaining that block chain based cloud date/security?

I presume, that the energy efficient Q-Dots do not/will not have the power handicap?

There is a big misunderstanding here that is really affecting the speculation om what products QMC may or may not be developing. Bitcoin is an expression of blockchain, but it's not representative of all blockchain implementations - probably very few of them.

The reason why bitcoin requires huge amounts of electricity and compute hardware is because the reliability rests on it being extremely difficult to enter a new block in the chain. If it was easy, a hacker could simply enter billions of new blocks and you'd never untangle the mess.

They make it hard to enter a new block by requiring whoever enters the block to first solve a very difficult math problem that can only be solved by trial and error and currently requires about 2.7 trillion attempts to solve. This is known as "proof of work," and it's the end result of "bitcoin mining." They adjust the difficulty to keep the new blocks added to about one every 10 minutes. It's the bitcoin mining that requires massive amounts of electricity and compute hardware, not the blockchain. When there are no more bitcoins left to mine in about 4 years, miners will be paid from transactions fee which will be implemented.


08/23/19 1:05 PM

#76622 RE: Ecomike #76608

Prescription drug counterfeits is a HUGE problem.

All this Chinese Fentanyl(100x potency of Heroin) is going into ALL sorts of Drugs NOT just opioids.

I read of a high school junior taking his Xanax, probably for Social Media induced anxiety, DIED cause his Counterfeit Xanax was laced with FENTANYL!

That's why the so called CRISIS in Opioids. Its a Fentanyl Crisis. A CHINESE and Counterfeit induced crisis.

Capstan tech can be a major disruptive tech to that bogus black market.