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08/22/19 10:23 AM

#20107 RE: TronCarter #20106

Anyone familiar with SEC law will know that Delagarza admitted in court to a felony fraud use of the S8. Others on this board might not be familiar with the purpose. A S8 is not a replacement for a public or private placement. Reading that testimony was shocking. The testimony of Delagarza also implicates the former CLOK attorney in the fraud. This is a serious violation.

This removes all doubt about the ethics of both men. Read the testimony.

On another subject; the "independent audit" report.

Once again DeLaGarza is attempting to defraud shareholders. This is not an independent report. It was commissioned by DeLaGarza and the very same attorney that invented the S8 fraud. I seriously doubt that this attorney will have a long future in his law work.

I believe in our Tech. I have no confidence in Delagarza.

More later.


08/22/19 11:41 AM

#20111 RE: TronCarter #20106

I personally have had an association with MLDG for more than 15 years. His ego is very large and has found a way to make money from spinning stories. I bought into his stories and truly wanted him to succeed as it would benefit all. As time went on, I realized he was just bluffing and weaving in order to get shareholders money, collect a large salary and also keep the illusion going. He was in the MLM biz and knows how to spin a story. Part of this is not an uncommon situation as it takes a multitude of ego, drive, vision and finances to get a company off the ground and a product to market. His greed and accused misappropriation of stock/funds is what sets him apart from the honest entrepreneur in my opinion. A few years back the software, in it's infancy, was presented to our company and was a long way from a sell-able product. I believe it has evolved since then. Is it actually viable marketable now? I don't know. Our company wasn't in the position to retask our sales force to take on marketing an unestablished, not ready for market product a few years ago. I am hoping it has validity now as I have a lot of stock and would like to see a return on my investment also.
Our company develops and sell software solutions and I have come to understand it is more than just a working product needed. It has to be stable, reliable, repeatable and cost effective compared to the competition or the alternative. Our company has in the past worked with Explore Technologies and know from first hand experience that the product was very dependable and used it for multiple applications. I don't know Tom Wilkinson personally but do know that in my opinion for this company to move forward, gain any industry credibility and make shareholders a possible return on their investment, the old regime must be completely disassembled and someone with prior CEO acumen in putting together a team, bringing software and hardware to market put in place. In reading his bio I believe Mr. Wilkinson has the experience to move this forward and there should be plenty of funds left to accomplish this if the product line can be reintroduced and possibly rebranded. He should have plenty of contacts in the industry to open doors if the product is viable.
A few concerns that I have are:
Dr. Carlsen's loyalty at this point and how much control does he have and what roll will he play in future development or will he go down with the rest? Is the source code protected and owned by the company? What entity or entities have the controlling interest in this company since so many shares may have been misappropriated.
I will chime in from time to time but do not engage in frequent conversation on these boards. These are my opinions and wish all stockholders good luck with this next chapter as it's been a long journey for some.