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08/21/19 8:40 PM

#294422 RE: Anvil #294420

Altruistic endeavor with a grip-truck divided fifteen ways

I realize the question was posed to a current enforcement creditor, but just my two shekels:

Any creditor/litigant/plaintiff with counsel worth anything has already scoured the court records and realizes - quite simply - there isn't anything liquid or otherwise convertible to cash whatsoever. HHSE owns no IP, rights, assignable contracts, actual unencumbered receivables, sellable inventory or property. The grip truck and production inventory is outdated garbage and the principal and his former side-kick are dirt poor on a personal basis - if that even matters.

Look at what JSJ, Bedrock, Origin and others did in attempts to be made whole after they were victorious in court - they filed garnishment writs, motions to compel, motions for contempt and otherwise antagonized HHSE and everyone under the sun they'd ever done business with to extract their pound of flesh. Reality? Nobody owes HHSE anything. Quite the opposite, obviously.

The better question is why production companies and others file lawsuits against HHSE (or ever conducted business with this scam in the first place). Again, any competent counsel should have researched the history and told their clients that - while on the principal matters at hand - the idea of taking HHSE to court is admirable, but the prospect of getting in line as #15, #20 or whatever in terms of the hierarchy of claimants against HHSE is ultimately pointless.

Although I agree that it is quite possible that at some point, all or some of the vendors might collaborate to force involuntary BK. But they'd have to agree to do it by going in knowing outside of crushing Parkinson once and for all, there isn't a dime to be made.