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08/21/19 1:17 PM

#119 RE: tootalljones #118

So much is lining up for silver. Trump wants rates dropped an entire point and just said so on twitter, and he has been hammering Jay Powell for six months now, and he will fire Powell if powell screws this up, and Powell knows this.

The last rate cut, the first of this cycle 3 months ago, Trump tweeted, "Powell screwed us again," something like that on his twitter feed beccause the cute was only .25

Second, western governments, and also asian governments are flat out broke as the brokest broke man. They must debase their currencies or there will be mass poverty and revolutions, at some point in the next 3 or 4 years. EVerybody is now debasing, lowering their rates;

Third, the governments have become welfare states, and they have printed perhaps 25X as much fiat in this century, the last generation, as there is gold and silver, which stand at all time lows, relative to fiat. The precious metals are woefully behind, being up merely 4.5 times in the same period.

This ETF will do tremendous, and the junior one, silJ, will do even more tremendous. There is precedent for this. During the last bull run GDX went up like 4x, but gdxj went up about 6X.....