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08/18/19 11:19 PM

#547697 RE: 401kobessive #547686

Lol, of course I'm being fascicious except for the part about Vikings. The population of the largest Island in the world (small continent) is 56 thousand for a reason. Sure it's rife with resources buried under miles of permafrost harder than a diamond. Denmark spends about $12,500 per each of the 56,000 inhabitants to maintain them on the southern edge of the ice for a total cost of 700mil per year.

The Vikings named Greenland and mapped it so no one would find their rumored Island paradise in the northern hemisphere which they named Iceland to throw people further off the trail. Iceland is mostly a green land supported by geothermal energy and benefits from an abundance of accessible natural resources. What's hilarious is their little rouse has worked for centuries right up to this day. I'm sure the President knows this as he wants the property for strategic military purpose but I won't be a bit surprised if the masses support the acquisition based on information and belief created by the centuries old Viking rouse.