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08/15/19 11:48 PM

#149736 RE: TheFutureForsure #149734

They own no properties therefore no valuations

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08/16/19 12:21 AM

#149738 RE: TheFutureForsure #149734

All these posts read just like a real live theatrical play; and the best part of all is - that there is MYSTERY to it -YES- the Mystery of GNCP & THE GOLD!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! CHEERS!
*Remember-ONLY the SHADOW KNOWS:)
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08/16/19 6:05 AM

#149739 RE: TheFutureForsure #149734

That link that you have posted 20 times about claims IS THE LINK I USED TO PROVE TO YOU AND OTHERS THAT GNCP HAD NO CLAIMS.

That is what that link shows. It has conditions that GNCP can't, won't and will never attempted to satisfy. GNCP has also stated that it won't. GNCP never had any intention of getting claims and that is why it is written that way. There is no need to waste money exploring in order for affiliates to raise money from you.

You and many others bought thinking GNCP actually had claims. You posted a lot of times stating GNCP had claims until I showed you that link. You also bought thinking that some exploration was being done when none every was. You thought that radar was done, when NO RADAR was ever done. How many times was Radar love posted?

This is no different than not understanding the difference between all 'long term convertible debt' is paid and all 'debt' is paid. A difference of 10's of billions of converted common shares. The long term debt was paid until the restructuring which added another $4,000,000 of debt that was long term and got converted. But it was not structured as long term convertible debt so the companies statement was not false. They do know the line and they usually stay on the right side of it.

Also no different than when 'secured preferreds' and 'preferreds' were confused. The difference of 10's of billions of common shares.

No different than understanding what the word cancelled means in relation to stock. Thinking it meant disappear with no consideration shows a huge lack of reality. The difference of 10's of billions of common shares.

The company gave a warnings on much of this which you somehow mistaken for something good. Not understanding what a company warning shows a lack of understanding in the market.

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08/16/19 6:16 AM

#149740 RE: TheFutureForsure #149734

The truth has been revealed. GNCP reveled everything when the financials were filed and when the OTC forced them to refile with the ownership information. That was when you thought they had to refiled because of the GNCC typo. That is also when you thought that the OTC was taking time with adding current when the time was for GNCP to REFILE.

The truth. GNCP has nothing. It has a lot of shares and many more to come, constant debt added and zero revenue. GNCP will not generate any revenue with no assets. All the money that you and others have pumped into it has been acquired by operations and the affiliates.

It's not the truth you are waiting for. The truth has been revealed. You are waiting for an impossible dream.
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08/16/19 7:57 AM

#149743 RE: TheFutureForsure #149734

No one and I repeat NO ONE has any clue what GNCP MINING INTERESTS are VALUED AT; Except the GNCP Management as they specified in the recent JUNE 30th Filing!!!!!!!

And that right there is why this is a scam. This is a public company first off, it is required to be transparent by law. Second mining companies cannot do anything without public notification, none of the properties are currently up for BLM hearings nor have had an environmental study published. None of the properties have a required Industry Guide 7 report also required by law and also required to be publicly disseminated to shareholders when complete.

The fact that only management knows what the mining interest are valued at is because it is all a bullshit story made up by them using another bullshit story from an SEC suspended geologist who made up valuations based upon thumb in the air looks good to him... lol.. Stating valuations based upon nearby claims is also fraud and is covered by both the SEC and FINRA as a tool for scam artists. Anyone that actually knows mining will tell you that just because a property is nearby a proven qualified property has absolutely NOTHING to do with the value in that proven property.

The facts are this shell has done nothing but dump worthless shares at nearly 20 Billion over the years with ZERO revenue, consistently bad acquisitions, caught in multiple lies along the way, with consistent bad actors from the geologists, known bad brokers hired as "ADVISORS" by this turd is proof enough that it is nothing more than a share printing press scam and always has been.