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08/15/19 3:41 PM

#40386 RE: paulpaint #40260

$LAHO Last year MJ..Future and now Stem Cells!

Stem Cells: The Future Looks Bright

Scientists' stem cell breakthrough ends ethical dilemma

..In a breakthrough that could have huge implications, British and Canadian scientists have found a way of reprogramming skin cells taken from adults, effectively winding the clock back on the cells until they were in an embryonic form.

Stem Cells Are Poised to Change Health and Medicine Forever

..Over the last decade, the number of publications per year on stem cell-related research has increased 40x.
We are at the cusp of a stem cell revolution.

Recent Stem Cell Success Stories

a) Stem Cells Able to Grow New Human Eyes:
b) Stem Cell Injections Help Stroke Victims Walk Again:
c) Stem Cells Help Paralyzed Victim Gain Use of Arms:

In Conclusion

As humans, we’ve just come to accept the notion that we are going to die.

However, the keys to our longevity and health may lie in our source code.

In the next two decades, stem cells are going to change medicine forever, extend life, and potentially save your life.

We truly live during the most exciting time ever in human history.