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08/15/19 1:07 PM

#4327 RE: Believe444 #4326 already...the CGC being...the big loser.

Watch how fast CGC investors flock to ACB....if they turn revenue a couple weeks when earnings come out.

Let's see...positive revenues....vs.....billion dollar loser.

The big question about ACB is....What are the U.S. expansion plans....besides the small deals AUSA has done...? International expansion is great...but all of it together is still less than the huge U.S. market. They need to be in the U.S. in some large...lucrative markets. So far they haven't shown their cards yet. Canopy did....and failed miserably.

If ACB is the new leader...I expect them to act accordingly in the U.S. If they are to become a leading MSO...IMHO they will be looking at companies that are profitable...or near profitable. I could see them having an interest in Trulieve or a couple of the other MSO's that are not drowning in debt. Making wise choices in the U.S. can keep them on top of the game.

Becoming the largest cannabis producer in Nevada would be a great start.....and wouldn't break the bank. HQing in Vegas would be wise for a company wanting to be a leading MSO. Since Vegas has the most new faces per year....National branding missions could start in Vegas....because you are getting National exposure...without leaving the state. New brands could be tested in Vegas first....without the expense of a National rollout. National branding initiatives from any other state or market would be at a disadvantage.

I see the Vegas and Nevada market as extremely important for a major company....or leading MSO. Being the largest in the state....would be a winning strategy. Being the leader in the best US market...would show dominance. ACB has always said they want to be the leaders in the markets they enter. Maybe Booth and Battley should give Rivera a call....about all those cannabis licenses Citation is sitting on in Nevada.

In the is not how much cannabis you's how much profit you produced.