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08/14/19 12:10 PM

#41445 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

Step down as CEO and pass the torch to a responsible successor.

Buzzy1030 Wednesday, 08/14/19 11:59:52 AM
Re: None 0
Post # of 41445

Updates should resume mid next week.
Thank you for the patience.

Larry Twombly


08/14/19 1:39 PM

#41448 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

Ahaha. You need to go! Just lies after lies and dilution after dilution. Nothing to benefit your shareholders besides free shares! Take a hike! You lied to me so much and no response it's a joke!


08/14/19 2:21 PM

#41449 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

Wow, back from Mexico? Trying to get enough volume going to sell more junky capital stock to take another trip down to warmer waters? Hope prison doesn't interfere with plans to relax. VGID stock is down 99.99%. FHBC stock is in the dumpster. Transferred more assets illegally to SNTX without reimbursing VGID shareholders? Nice. What? more news next week about a drink that never has been going to be sold publicly? Great, more junk. With so much effort focused on producing lies, shouldn't there be easier way to make money without the need to lie?


08/14/19 6:59 PM

#41452 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

Rolmfao yea sure


08/15/19 9:23 AM

#41460 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

What’s up with the LOF spinoff we qualified for two years ago????


08/18/19 5:49 PM

#41558 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444

Are you ready for it?


11/19/19 8:14 AM

#43143 RE: Buzzy1030 #41444


Fernhill bought the hat trick beverage drink. Buzzy must really think we are stupid.

Updates should resume mid next week.
Thank you for the patience.

Larry Twombly