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08/14/19 4:23 PM

#322749 RE: Susie924 #322721

Sanford headed to New Hampshire amid talk of challenge to Trump

Joe Walsh: Trump Needs a Primary Challenge
The case for a contender from the right.

By John Bowden - 08/13/19 02:09 PM EDT

With links

Sanford headed to New Hampshire amid talk of challenge to Trump
© Greg Nash

Former Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) will travel to New Hampshire Tuesday night as speculation grows about the former congressman and governor possibly mounting a primary challenge against President Trump.

Sanford, who lost his congressional seat last year after Trump endorsed his primary opponent, Katie Arrington, will be in New Hampshire on Tuesday for meetings, a spokesperson told The Associated Press, while providing no other details.

The meetings come as Sanford was reported last month to be considering a primary bid against the president, a move that Sanford said he would consider over July and August.

“Sometimes in life you’ve got to say what you’ve got to say, whether there’s an audience or not for that message,” Sanford said last month. “I feel convicted.”

If he entered the race, Sanford would face steep odds to obtaining the Republican nomination, as Trump retains the support of about 90 percent of GOP voters, according to recent polls.

Trump's endorsement of Arrington and frequent criticism of Sanford is credited at least partially with the congressman's defeat last year, an election which ultimately resulted in the seat flipping for Democrats during the November midterm elections.

"Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to [make American great again]. He is MIA and nothing but trouble. He is better off in Argentina," Trump wrote last year on Twitter.

"I fully endorse Katie Arrington for Congress in SC, a state I love. She is tough on crime and will continue our fight to lower taxes. VOTE Katie!" he added.

Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) is also said to be considering a Libertarian Party bid for president next year, and a group of "Never Trump" Republicans have reportedly met in the hopes of finding a GOP alternative to the president, though none have announced their White House ambitions so far.

See also:

Secretive Christian group at heart of D.C. politics ready for its close-up in Netflix docuseries
P - "The Political Enclave That Dare Not Speak Its Name"
P - "The Family" puts the spotlight on the enigmatic Fellowship Foundation, the Christian group behind the National Prayer Breakfast.
Citing 2006 documents, Sharlet estimates the number of dedicated organizers who handle recruitment at just 350.
Those organizers, however, have built a network of prayer cells that the late Christian Right leader Chuck
Colson pegged at 20,000-strong, calling it, "a veritable underground of Christ's men all through government."
P - Sometimes that has meant aligning with politicians who stray from Jesus' example. In 2009, former South Carolina
Gov. Mark Sanford gave a press conference outside of C Street emphasizing his religious pedigree
upon resurfacing after disappearing from his state for days to visit a mistress in Argentina.


No primary challenger: Never Trump Republicans resign themselves to clear 2020 path for president
by David M. Drucker
| June 04, 2019 12:00 AM
The only announced challenger, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, is not taken seriously.
In hypothetical matchups, Trump trounces Weld, who is waging a shoestring campaign.

See also:

Bill Weld: President Donald Trump Believes He Is Above The Law | The Last Word | MSNBC

Published on Jul 4, 2019
Republican Presidential candidate Bill Weld discusses why Donald Trump believes he is the law by using taxpayer money for his July 4 celebration.
The federal court judge asked government lawyers what did the president mean in his tweet? None of the legal minds knew.
.. 3rd of 3 here ..
President Donald Trump Wants To Go Around Supreme Court Census Ruling | The Last Word | MSNBC