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08/13/19 5:20 PM

#46117 RE: Missmacixoxo #46113

Thank you for your thoughts.

I am curious however to wonder why you are always giving them the "benefit of the doubt"...? almost to the point that you are very loyal to the company and "defending" their behaviors? If you don't mind, would you clarify one thing for me -- In your mind you have not once thought that there is something FISHY going on here? Personally, for me, when the fins were delayed and delayed even further, and the dilution started (and because of my background in, lets just say digital forensics and accounting) my thoughts tend to follow what I have seen other "scams" do... AGAIN - this may not be a scam... I am just saying this is my theory.

Also understand that this is a msg board that may have dissenting views and opinions, they are good to hear (just like I spoke up in May about the dilution) EVEN THOUGH IT MAY NOT BE WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR. Just like you have every right to tell someone "If you don't like what is happening then sell and move on" the same respect should be given to those who have dissenting views. I have worked with DoD / Military and traveled far and wide and served this country (behind the scenes) to allow everyone to have a voice and voice their opinion. You should allow for others to express their opinions as well. Reihlybigdeihl was only saying he does not think it a wise idea to move on at a 99% loss and he is very frustrated. This is the forum to call people out for what they are doing - or the lack thereof. I see our friend GOOFY everyday expressing his opinion, I have seen Backstabbed express his opinion and we all have differing opinions. However, this is the forum to discuss those opinions and see ways to work together to HOLD THE COMPANY RESPONSIBLE. If all we are doing is bickering and fighting and making it so nothing ever gets done... then how can we as shareholders expect to hold the company responsible. I have done my part many times, I have filed numerous complaints with the SEC, FINRA, FinSEC and even contacted colleagues at FBI. Some have started to look into my thoughts and accusations and if FLES is on the up / up - they need not worry. However, if they are not on the up/up then this shitshow will definitely hit the fan.

For me, I have seen this situation over and over as I have worked with LE and other agencies to help bring scammers to justice. When I got into this (FLES/MCGI) almost a year ago - I never thought for the life of me, scam. But scams sometimes cannot be seen from the beginning... they usually have behaviors and actions that people look back on and recognize those actions (hindsight is 20/20) for what they were. If in a year from now we all look back and the dilution has become 300-400 M shares and the price is at .0001 and no bid, then we may start to consider it a scam. At that point, the money is gone and it is way too late. Raising the alarm now with the proper authorities and questioning the company in the correct manner (even if that includes facebook, twitter, email etc ) even if it is customer facing (because a company that treats its shareholders this way will also treat customers the same way, you can see that from some of the old reviews on Amazon and Ebay) so it becomes a "problem" for the company. Raising the awareness to customers and shareholders should put pressure on the company to perform as they should.

Now you may have all the excuses in the world on why the accounting firm is so far behind. BUT Tim being an accountant by trade should have known how this would have impacted financials. I think I have rabbled and rambled on here probably too much. But I think you get my point and I do not mean anyone on here ill will... I really TRULY HOPE for the best in this.

I WISH THAT TIM WOULD SHUT ME UP AND PROVE ME WRONG!!! Drop the fins and stop the dilution. Let other people recover the money and then if you need more funds... dilute it again.